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作品名称:最后的秘境七:天火燎原      作者:谷主      发布时间:2020-06-08 14:36:06      字数:14089

  凯丽指着沿岸的石头问米里亚娜和艾瑞丝道:“Can you see any artificial traces on these rocks?(你们看得出这些岩石有人工痕迹吗?)”
  “I can't tell!(看不出来!)”米里亚娜和艾瑞丝一齐摇头。
  问天指点着解释道:“Many of the stones had been moved in order to stop the river from washing away the road.And where we appear to have passed, it must be an ancient road, and though it is so old, and covered up with clumps of plants, it can be seen by careful observation.(很多石头都是经过人工搬动过的,目的是拦住河水,不让冲毁路面;而我们现出走过的地方,应该就是一条古道,虽然年代久远、植物丛生,掩盖住了很多的痕迹,但只要仔细观察,还是能够看得出来。)”
  “It's like writing!(好像是文字!)”布莱特指着一块爬满了藤蔓的大岩石惊呼。
  “I should say characters.(应该说是字符。)”高晓飞抽出军刀,过去把缠绕在岩石上的藤蔓割断扯开,露出了密密麻麻似文字一样的符号,六个人顿时惊讶万分。
  “Oh god! It was made by hand!(噢上帝!真是人工刻上去的!)”布莱特又惊呼了一声。
  “老爸!Can you tell what kind of character it is?(老爸!能看得出是哪一种文字的符号吗?)”凯丽也靠了过来。
  问天思索了一会,说道:“These characters use a unique hieroglyphic, similar to the structure of Chinese characters and oracle bones, so there is no doubt that these are the Maya characters that have disappeared from the world.(这些字符所使用的,是一种独特的象形文,酷似中国汉字甲骨文的结构,所以,毫无疑问,这些,就是已经在世界上消失的玛雅人遗留下来的文字──玛雅文。)”
  “The mayan culture. The fabled Maya civilization?(玛雅文!传说中的玛雅文明?)”众人又是忍不住惊呼。
  “Yes.(是的。)”问天说道,“In the middle Ages, after Columbus discovered America, the local civilization "Mayan civilization" began to appear in front of the world. The Mayan civilization was born in the 10th century BC. This ancient civilization has made great achievements in astronomy, mathematics and other aspects.Curiously, this ancient civilization peaked in the third century AD and then suddenly disappeared;Meanwhile, scholars around the world are debating where the isolated Mayan civilization came from and where it went.But it is still a mystery!(中世纪时期,哥伦布发现了美洲之后,美洲当地的文明‘玛雅文明’就开始出现在世人面前。玛雅文明诞生于公元前10世纪,这个古老的文明在天文学、数学等方面都有着极高的成就;但令人疑惑的是,这个古老的文明在公元3世纪走向巅峰后,就突然地消失了。现在,世界各界学者都在讨论这个与世隔绝的玛雅文明,到底是从何而来,又去了哪里,但至今成谜!)”
  米里亚娜疑惑地问道:“The boss! What does the Mayan script have to do with the Chinese oracle bones? Why are they so similar?(老大!这玛雅文和中国的甲骨文又有什么关联吗?为什么会如此的相似?)”
  问天想了想,说道:“So far, Mayan sites have been found in many parts of The Americas. In the archaeology of the Mayan civilization, hieroglyphs carved on stones have been found for more than 3,300 years, that is, during the Shang Dynasty of China.Curiously, the hieroglyphs were consistent with the inscriptions on oracle bones, which archaeologists can fully understand when they read them from Chinese inscriptions.In addition, almost all other hieroglyphs unearthed at the Mayan site could be interpreted on oracle bone scripts, leading American experts to claim that the hieroglyphs at the Mayan site were Chinese oracle bone scripts.(至今为止,美洲的很多地方都发现了玛雅遗址。在玛雅文明的考古中,还发现了很多刻在石头上的象形文字。这些文字距今已有3300多年,也就是中国商朝时期。令人疑惑的是,这些象形文字居然和甲骨文一致,考古学家用中国甲骨文解读时,就能完全看懂这些文字的记载。除此之外,几乎所有玛雅遗址出土的其它象形文字,都可以用甲骨文来解读,因此,美国专家就宣称,这玛雅遗址的象形文字,就是中国的甲骨文。)”
  艾瑞丝一声惊呼:“Oh god!Did the ancient Chinese discover and exploit America as early as 3,000 years ago, during the Shang Dynasty?(噢上帝!难道说,早在三千多年前的商朝时期,中国古人就发现并且开发了美洲吗?)”
  米里亚娜更是惊叹不已:“Oh my god!Was it the Chinese who first discovered the American continent? That's incredible!(天哪!难道是中国人最先发现了美洲大陆?这太不可思议了!)”
  问天摇了摇头说:“There is no definite conclusion yet, but many scholars at home and abroad do believe that during the Zhou dynasty of Shang Dynasty, King Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, fled to the American continent and flourished, leaving behind the cultural relics of the Shang Dynasty.Many cultural relics unearthed in Mayan ruins are very similar to those unearthed in The Ruins of Yin dynasty in China. Especially in the later middle and developing period, the figures in the bronze ware are very similar to those of the Shang People in China at that time, which makes many scholars recognize the possibility that the Shang people traveled east to America.(这个尚无确切的定论,但也有很多的中外学者还真就这么认为。在中国武王伐纣时期,商纣王的儿子武庚,就逃亡到了美洲大陆,并且繁衍生息,留下了当时商朝的文化遗存——很多玛雅遗址出土的文物与中国殷墟遗址出土的文物非常相似;尤其是后期中发展中,器具中所表现的人物,像极了当时的中国殷商人,这也使得很多学者认可了殷商人东渡美洲的可能性。)”
  布莱特惊呼道:“So, the mysterious Mayan civilization in the legend was created by the Chinese?(这么说,传说中神秘的玛雅文明,也就是中国人创造的?)”
  米里亚娜摇头着头惊叹:“Oh my god!If true, it would rewrite the history of Columbus's first discovery of America.Oh god!Chinese people are so great and wonderful!(天哪!如果这是真的,那么哥伦布最先发现美洲大陆的历史就要改写了。噢上帝!中国人真是太伟大、太了不起了!)”
  问天感慨着说:“After all, this is supposed to be an undiscovered Mayan relic!(不管怎么说,这里,应该就是一处未被发现的玛雅遗迹!)”
  凯丽沉思了一会,说道:“老爸!If the Mayans were an offshoot of China, what about Atlantis, the prehistoric civilization we have discussed before?The Atlantean civilization sank in a disaster, surviving only a few backward tribes above the mountains, the descendants of the Mayans.After the destruction of The Atlantean civilization, this tribe once again established the Salisbury civilization, and finally made the ancient Mayan civilization brilliant again.(老爸!如果说,玛雅人是中国的一个分支,那么我们之前讨论过的史前文明亚特兰蒂斯,又该怎样解释?亚特兰蒂斯文明在一场灾难中整体沉没,仅在高山之上幸存下来一些落后部落,这就是玛雅人的后裔。这支部族在亚特兰蒂斯文明毁灭后,曾一度又重新建立起了索尔兹伯里文明,最终成就了古代玛雅文明的再次辉煌。)”
  问天点了点头,说道:“We've talked about this before, but the prehistory is a myth, and Atlantis is a myth, and although we've seen a lot of phenomena that we can't explain, there's no credible basis for the myth of the prehistory, and archaeology, there's a lot of physical references and speculation.(这是我们之前讨论过的话题。但史前文明只是个传说,亚特兰蒂斯也只是个传说。虽然我们也看到过很多解释不了的现象,可史前文明的传说并没有可信的依据;而考古,却有着很多的实物来参考,并加以推测。)”
  布莱特惊呼道:“So there were mayans in the jungle?(这么说,丛林里还有玛雅人?)”
  高晓飞忍不住笑道:“What Maya? This is a relic from thousands of years ago!(什么玛雅人?这是几千年以前的遗迹了!)”
  布莱特道:“You say, in the jungle, could there still be primitive Maya living?(那你说,丛林里面,会不会还生活着原始的玛雅人?)”
  两只鹦鹉又叽叽喳喳地叫了起来:“There are no humans there, just monkeys.(那边没有人类,只有猴子。)”
  布莱特疑惑地问道:“Monkey, what monkey?(猴子,什么猴子?)”
  雌鹦鹉说:“Monkeys that live in the city.(就是住在城市里的猴子。)”
  “Monkeys living in the city? Why do monkeys live in cities?(住在城市里的猴子?为什么会有猴子住在城市里?)”众人百思不得其解,不太明白鹦鹉所指的意思。
  凯丽扬了扬手,说道:“You fly ahead to find your way. If anything happens, come back and let me know. Go.(你们飞前面去探路,一有情况,马上回来通知,去吧。)”
  高晓飞惊叹道:“Judging by the amount of debris, there were quite a few people living there!(从这些断垣残壁的数量来看,当时还真住着不少人!)”
  凯丽也感慨道:“This is no longer the size of a small tribe. Is there really a city?(这已经不是一个小部落的规模了,难道,这真有一座城市?)”
  米里亚娜说道:“In Brazil, too, many Mayan ruins have been found, and I have visited them. The Mayans built magnificent halls, temples, tombs, and great steles of stone.The buildings are magnificent and magnificent. The figures in their murals are vivid and full of realistic expression. They are one of the famous mural art treasures in the world today.(在巴西,也发现了很多处玛雅遗址,我也去参观过。玛雅人用石块建造了许多宏伟的殿堂、庙宇、陵墓和巨大的石碑。建筑物气势宏伟、富丽堂皇。他们壁画中的人物千姿百态、栩栩如生,富有现实主义的表现力,是当今世界上有名的壁画艺术宝藏之一。)”
  问天点头道:“Maya culture is one of the important ancient civilizations in the world and a very important classical culture in America.Mayan culture is also jungle culture, although a long time ago, but in astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, art and writing and other aspects have a very high achievement!(玛雅文化是世界重要的古文明之一,是美洲非常重要的古典文化;玛雅文化也是丛林文化,虽然年代久远,但在天文学、数学、农业、艺术及文字等方面都有极高的成就!)”
  艾瑞丝说道:“I also went to visited several mayan ruins, said that the mayan people like column note, have a fixed time intervals of fixed number of year, usually every once in a while he made pillars record something important, historians can according to the records on the stone pillars, know the ins and outs of the city, and ordinary people, also recorded on the rock.(我也去参观过几处玛雅遗址。据介绍说,玛雅人喜欢立柱记事,时间的间隔有固定的年限,通常是每隔一段时间就立石柱记载一些重要的事情。历史学家就可以根据石柱上的记录,知道城市的来龙去脉;而普通的人家,也就把记载刻在了岩石上。)”
  艾瑞丝说道:“Because of my work, I have also studied deeply the Mayan civilization. It is said that the Mayans began to build religious buildings in 1000 AD. The earliest ruins are composed of some simple earth tombs, which later evolved into pyramid-shaped structures.The Mayan civilization was a stone civilization. The Mayans did not invent the use of bronze, let alone iron, but created a highly urban civilization.(由于工作的原因,我也深入研究过玛雅文明。传说玛雅人在公元一千年前就开始建造宗教性建筑,最早的遗迹是由一些简单的土坟组成,后来进一步演化为金字塔形的构造;玛雅文明属于石器文明,玛雅人并未发明使用青铜器,更不用说铁器,却创造了高度的城市文明。)”
  米里亚娜说道:“According to the Mayan calendar, the earth is divided into five solar periods from the beginning to the end, representing five catastrophes, of which four have already passed. The first solar period is the cataclysmic disaster, and the world suffered from the cataclysmic disaster.The second solar period was the destruction of buildings by windsnakes.The third solar period is the fire rain disaster, the earth suffered the fire rain disaster;The fourth sun ji is the earthquake disaster, the earth suffered from the earthquake disaster, the fifth sun ji is the end of the world, when the fifth sun ji comes, the sun will disappear, the earth violent shaking, disaster, the earth will be completely destroyed, according to the mayan calendar is 3113, conversion for the modern calendar, is December 22, 2012.(在巴西,关于玛雅文明的传说更是神奇。依照玛雅历法,地球由始到终分为五个太阳纪,分别代表五次浩劫,其中四个浩劫已经过去。第一个太阳纪是洪水浩劫,世界遭到大洪水的浩劫,有人认为是《圣经》所说的诺亚方舟;第二个太阳纪是风蛇浩劫,世上的建筑物被风蛇吹毁;第三个太阳纪是火雨浩劫,大地遭受天降火雨之祸;第四个太阳纪是地震浩劫,地球遭受强烈地震的灾祸;第五个太阳纪是世界末日。当第五个太阳纪来临时,太阳就会消失,大地剧烈摇晃,灾难四起,地球会被彻底毁灭。按照玛雅历法就是三一一三年,换算为现代历法,便是二〇一二年十二月二十二日。)”
  高晓飞忍不住哈哈大笑:“This Mayan is smart, but what a bullshit Mayan prophecy, that's all false, I believe him ghost!2012 years have passed, they predicted in December 21, 2012, there will be a flood, earthquake, continental plate movement, volcanic eruptions, and change the ultimate poles, will cause the end of the world, make a lot of people believe that in 2012, is the end of the world, but in 2012, the world is still intact, it already broke 2012 is the end of the world the false rumors.(这玛雅人聪明是聪明,可什么狗屁的玛雅预言,那都是假的,我信他个鬼!二〇一二年已经过去了,他们预言在二〇一二年十二月二十一日,会有洪水、地震、大陆板块移动、火山喷发,以及终极的南北极改换,将会造成世界末日,搞得很多的人都相信二〇一二年就是世界末日。但是到了二〇一二年,世界依旧安然无恙,这已经打破了二〇一二年是世界末日这个造假传闻。)”
  艾瑞丝也笑道:“According to the prophecy, around 2012 will be the beginning of the Fifth Solar period;And, at the time, the Mayans believed that at the end of each epoch, there would be a dramatic tragedy of destruction on earth;After the sun sets on December 21, 2012, the world will be destroyed and only a small fraction of people in Africa and western China will survive.(预言传说中,二〇一二年左右将是第五太阳纪的开始;并且,当时的玛雅人认为,在每一纪结束时,都会在地球上演一出惊心动魄的毁灭悲剧。二〇一二年十二月二十一日太阳下山之后,世界就会被毁灭,只有非洲和中国西部地区的小部分人能够存活下来。)”
  凯丽笑着接口说道:“I know, of course, the Mayan prediction that 2012 will be the end of the world is not true. Did the Mayans even predict the end of the world in 2012?In fact, the Mayans did not leave any clear record and prediction of what would happen in 2012. It was only because the prediction implied a huge business opportunity that it was widely publicized by the media and film companies, which led to the birth of the famous disaster film 2012.(这个我知道,所谓玛雅预言二〇一二年是世界末日当然不是真的;甚至说,玛雅人究竟有没有预言过二〇一二年是世界末日?其实,玛雅人并没有留下任何关于二〇一二年会发生什么事情的明确记录和预言,只是由于这一预言隐含着巨大的商机,故为广大媒体和电影公司广为宣传,这才催生了《2012》这部著名的灾难片。)”
  高晓飞笑道:“But the movie was well made, bonus special effects!(不过电影倒是拍得不错,特效加分!)”
  问天笑道:“In fact, mayan prophecies that the world will end on December 21, 2012, are misinterpreted;It is understood that that day is the "zero day" re-timed in the Mayan calendar, indicating the end of a reincarnation and the beginning of a new era, rather than the end of the world;Apocalypticism originated in the West and was later exploited by the media and film companies.By 2012, the Mayans meant the awakening and transformation of human spirit and consciousness into a new civilization.(其实,玛雅预言中,关于二〇一二年十二月二十一日是世界末日的说法,只是一种被误解的说法。据了解,那一天是玛雅历法中重新计时的“0天”,表示一个轮回的结束,一个新时代的开始,而并非指世界末日。末日论源自于西方民间,后来被媒体和电影公司所利用;玛雅人应该从来没有过这类的想法。玛雅人所说的二〇一二年,指的应该是人类在精神与意识方面的觉醒及转变,从而进入新的文明。)”
  布莱特疑惑地问道:“What about the city the parrot was talking about?(那鹦鹉所说的城市又是怎么回事?)”
  问天回答道:“What we are seeing now are just some ordinary houses and buildings. Maybe there are bigger buildings ahead.(What we see now are only some ruins of buildings like ordinary houses. Maybe there are even bigger buildings in front of us.(我们现在看到的,只是一些普通民房一类的建筑遗址,说不定,前面还真有着更大的建筑。)”
  凯丽对着空中忽哨几声,把两只鹦鹉招了下来,问道:“Baby! Is this what you mean by a city?(宝贝!这就是你们所说的城市吗?)”
  两只鹦鹉一左一右地停在她的肩膀上,叽叽喳喳地回答说:“The city is ahead, the city is ahead.(城市在前面,城市在前面。)”
  “Wow! My God! There really is a city here!(哇噻!我的上帝!这里真有一座城市!)”布莱特忍不住惊呼。
  问天心里一紧,连忙低声发出警告:“Watch out, everyone! Watch out! There may be a situation in the pyramid towers and surrounding houses!(大家小心了,注意警戒,金字塔城楼和周围的房子之中可能有情况!)”
  米里亚娜伸手抚摸着一根石柱,说道:“The boss! The stone pillars here are engraved with many characters.(老大!这里的石柱上刻有很多字符。)”
  问天抚摸了一下刻在石柱上的字符,摇头说道:“I don't know, but judging from the degree of weathering of these pillars, the time of construction of this site may be more than 1,800 years ago!(看不懂,但从这些石柱的风化程度上推测,这座遗址的建造时间,大概是远在一千八百多年以前!)”
  高晓飞问道:“More than 1800 years ago, what dynasty was that in China?(一千八百多年以前,那在中国是什么朝代?)”
  问天想了想,换算了一下历史年份,回答道:“Eighteen hundred years ago, during the Han Dynasty of China, in 200 AD, at the beginning of The Three Kingdoms, Yuan Shao sent his troops to crusade against Cao Cao, leading to the battle of Guan Du.(一千八百年以前,正处于中国的汉朝时期,公元200年,正是三国形成之初,历史事件有袁绍发兵讨伐曹操,形成了官渡之战。)”
  艾瑞丝惊叹道:“In other words, the Mayans built cities and lived here eighteen hundred years ago!This mysterious Mayan culture is hidden from the outside world because it lies deep in the rainforest and the forest covers the sky.(也就是说,远在一千八百年以前,玛雅人就在这里建造城市居住了!这神秘的玛雅文化,因为深藏于热带雨林的深处,密林遮住了天空,外界根本就发现不了。)”
  高晓飞忽然一拉枪栓,低声说道:“There are oddities ahead.(前面有古怪。)”
  萧问天把手一挥,压低了声音说道:“Keep your distance. Keep your eyes closed. Let's go and see.(大家拉开距离,注意隐蔽,我们过去看看。)”
  高晓飞指着金字塔上面说道:“I saw a shadow passing by, but it was too far away and too fast to see what it was!(我看见了上面有影子闪过,但隔离太远,速度又快,看不清楚是什么东西!)”
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