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作品名称:最后的秘境十:冰雪之夏      作者:谷主      发布时间:2022-10-27 23:48:39      字数:14220

  木子疑惑道:“It's hard to imagine that these species can live under the Antarctic ice, but what do they do to survive?(真是不敢想象,在南极的冰层之下,居然生存着这些物种,可它们又是靠什么来生存的?)”
  米里亚娜摇了摇头:“I don't know, because people who actually see fireflies turn into ice sculptures.(不知道,因为,真正见过萤冰虫的人都变成了冰雕。)”
  萧问天道:“Fireflies are so small that they probably don't need to hunt at all, just drinking water or microorganisms in the water to survive. Just like the firefly, the adult is almost in a state of neither eating nor drinking until they starve to death, so the life span of the firefly is only about 3-7 days.(萤冰虫的体形小,也许它们根本就不用猎食,仅仅是喝点水、或者是靠水中的微生物就能存活;就好像萤火虫,成虫后几乎是处于不吃不喝的状态,直到活活把自己饿死,所以,萤火虫的寿命只有短短3-7天左右。)”
  高晓飞感叹道:“The structure in this glacial world, it's just not normal!(这冰川世界里的构造,就是不一般!)”
  米里亚娜道:“Perhaps this is the place of God in legend.(也许,这就是传说中上帝的地方。)”
  高晓飞苦笑道:“Why bring up your God to scare people again?(干吗又拿你们的上帝出来吓唬人?)”
  米里亚娜并不正面回答高晓飞的话,只是笑了笑,说道:“There are many legends that say that there is a hollow under the Antarctic glacier, even to the center of the earth. In my opinion, this is the point.(很多传说中都有记载,说南极冰川下面是空心的,甚至直通地心世界,依我看,所指的就是这里了。)”
  萧问天道:“An underground glacial world that has taken thousands of years to form is a rare sight.(历经千万年所形成的地下冰川世界,这可是难得一见的奇景。)”
  “What's ahead?(前面是什么?)”高晓飞凝视着前面说道。
  “I can't see it clearly. It seems to be a snow-capped mountain.(看得不太清楚,好像是一座雪山。)”凯丽摇了摇头说。
  “Oh my God, it's the pyramids!(噢上帝,是金字塔!)”米里亚娜不可思议地发出惊叹。
  “Oh my God, there really are pyramids buried under the ice in Antarctica!(天哪,在南极的冰川之下,真的埋藏有金字塔!)”众人忍不住惊呼。
  萧问天举着强光手电射向塔顶,仰头上望,说道:“The top of the tower is almost 150 meters high.(塔顶的高度,基本上达到了150米。)”
  凯丽惊叹道:“By our calculations, that's already higher than the height of Khufu, the tallest pyramid in Egypt. Oh, my God! This is amazing.(以我们推算的数据来看,这已经是超过了埃及最高的胡夫金字塔的高度了,天哪!这太不可思议了。)”
  高晓飞疑惑道:“Did the Egyptians ever go to the South Pole to build the pyramids?(难道,埃及人曾经到过南极建立金字塔吗?)”
  “It's impossible.(不可能。)”木子摇了摇头,“Led by Khufu's Pyramid, it's only 4,700 years old, and by this time, the entire Antarctic continent has been frozen.(以胡夫金字塔为首,至今也就4700年的历史,这个时间,整个南极大陆早就被冰封了。)”
  米里亚娜看着铲去冰霜后塔身上的方形石块,说道:“In addition to the sheer size and awe of the pyramid, it was built with great skill. There was no cement or anything sticking between the stones, but one stone on top of another, and each stone was finely ground.(这座金字塔除了规模的巨大而令人惊叹以外,还有着极其高超的建筑技巧。塔身的石块之间,没有任何水泥之类的粘着物,而是一块石头叠在另一块石头,每块石头都磨得很平。)”她抽出军刀试了试,却很难用刀刃插入石块之间的缝隙。
  凯丽感叹着说道:“This pyramid, compared with the pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, not only in height, length are more than Khufu pyramid, but also in the construction of the technology is far more than Khufu pyramid.(这座金字塔,相比埃及的胡夫金字塔有过之而无不及,不但在高度、长度上都超过了胡夫金字塔,而且在建造工艺上也远远超过了胡夫金字塔。)”
  木子皱眉道:“Who on earth built the pyramid? What is it used for?(到底是什么人建造了这座金字塔?它的用途又是什么?)”
  高晓飞说道:“Could it be the work of Noah and his prehistoric people?(会不会是诺亚他们那些史前人类的杰作?)”
  “This is even less likely.(这更不可能。)”凯丽摇了摇头,“Noah's Ark was not a group of prehistoric people, what's more, in the case of Khufu's pyramid in Egypt, it took 100,000 people thirty years to build, these are not the so-called Noah these few prehistoric people can reach.(诺亚方舟那一批史前人类本来就没有多少人;更何况,就以埃及的胡夫金字塔来说,那可是十万人用了三十年的时间才得以建成。这些,都不是所谓的诺亚这些少量的史前人类所能及的。)”
  “That leaves only one possibility, extraterrestrial intelligence, meaning aliens.(那就只有一种可能,是地外文明,也就是外星人。)”木子不紧不慢地说道。
  萧问天忽然关了手电,伸指“嘘”了一声,压低了声音说道:“Turn off the flashlight and watch the top of the tower.(关了手电,注意看塔顶上面。)”
  “What the hell is up there that glows?(上面到底是什么东西会发光?)”众人面面相觑,不知所以。
  “Find a way to get up there.(想办法上去看看就知道了。)”萧问天仰头看了看。
  “But how do we get up there? It's over a hundred meters.(可这怎么上去?一百多米啊。)”高晓飞指着塔身的斜度面。
  凯丽道:“Although we don't know what the function of the pyramid is? But with a building this big, there must have been a doorway, and we just didn't see it.(虽然不知道这金字塔的作用是什么,但如此巨大的建筑,肯定会留了门口,只是我们没有发现而已。)”
  高晓飞问道:“So how do we find out?(那我们怎么找?)”
  萧问天道:“The whole pyramid is a triangular structure, and the length of each side of the base is about 230 meters. We have just circled around, which is about 700 meters. Such a huge building, if it is designed with doors, should have doors on all three sides.(整座金字塔是三角面建筑,底座每面的边长达到了230米左右,我们刚才绕了一圈也就是700米左右,如此巨大的建筑,如果设计了门,应该三面都有。)”
  高晓飞左右看去,问道:“Where would that be?(那会是在什么位置?)”
  凯丽、木子和米里亚娜异口同声地说道:“In the middle.(中间的位置。)”
  萧问天点了点头:“Yeah, we'll start in the middle.(对,我们就从中间的位置找起。)”
  高晓飞喜道:“This should be the entrance to the main gate.(这应该就是大门入口了。)”快速地把三角形周围的冰霜清理干净。
  萧问天点头道:“This triangle is very clever, because if we had used quadrilateral instead of triangle, then the great pressure of the pyramid itself, which is more than 100 meters high, would have collapsed the entrance and exit. With a triangle, the great pressure is evenly distributed, and there is no doubt that this triangle is the entrance and exit.(这个三角形设计得非常巧妙,因为如果不用三角形而用四边形,那么,一百多米高的金字塔本身的巨大压力将会把这个出入口压塌;而用三角形,就使那巨大的压力均匀地分散开了,毫无疑问,这个三角形就是出入口。)”
  木子道:“This pyramid has been fully understood and applied the principles of mechanics, such a structure, is truly remarkable.(这座金字塔,已经充分理解和运用了力学的原理,这样的构造,确实是了不起。)”
  高晓飞道:“What do you think is inside the pyramid?(你们说,金字塔里面会是什么?)”
  米里亚娜道:“I don't think it's a mausoleum, so don't expect any treasure.(我想,应该不会是陵墓,所以你也别想着会有宝藏。)”
  高晓飞苦笑道:“Well, beauty! How can you arouse my lovely little ambition again!(嗯,美女!你怎么又勾起我这颗小小可爱的雄心了呢!)”
  木子笑道:“Your bullshit ambition is greed.(你狗屁的雄心,是贪心才对。)”
  “Greedy is greedy, if people do not have a little greedy, it is too boring.(贪心就贪心,人若没有一点贪念,那也太没意思了。)”高晓飞一笑,双眼紧紧地盯着三角形门,口中念念有词,“芝麻开门,芝麻开门,芝麻开门……”
  萧问天用强光手电的后柄轻轻地敲了敲,疑惑地说道:“The gate is not made of stone or iron, so you can't tell what it is made of.(这三角门非石非铁,看不出是用什么材质所制。)”
  米里亚娜说道:“If the pyramid really is the work of an alien civilization, then the gate may not be Earth material.(如果这座金字塔真的是外星文明的杰作,那这个三角门,有可能就不是地球上的物质。)”
  “Trigonal gate, trigonal icon?(三角门,三角图标?)”木子忽然喃喃自语,怔怔地注视着三角门,又往后退了好几步,双眼紧紧地盯着三角门中心点的小三角形看。
  “Muzi beauty! Are you possessed?(木子美女!你中邪了?)”高晓飞看着木子的举动大惑不解。
  “Don't make so much noise.(别吵她。)”萧问天轻轻摆了摆手,“What does Muzi seem to think of?(木子好像是想到了什么?)”
  木子缓缓地舒了一口气,慢慢地走了回来,看着三角形说道:“I think I saw this triangle mark there, but my memory is hazy.(我好像在哪看见过这个三角形标记,但记忆很模糊。)”
  高晓飞惊讶万分:“No way. The pyramids are the work of an alien civilization, unless... Unless you're an alien.(不会吧?这金字塔可是外星文明的杰作,除非……除非你是外星人。)”
  “You're the alien.(你才是外星人。)”木子双眼一瞪,忽然又是一笑,“Let me try.(我试一下。)”她解下背包,找出来一张纸和一支铅笔,拿着纸往门上小三角形量了一下,把纸对折撕开,成了一个和门上小三角形对等的三角形,然后把那张三角形纸垫在背包上,用铅笔在纸上画了一个图案。
  众人都不知道她想到了什么?更不知道她要画什么?等到木子把图案画出来之后,这才惊讶不已。高晓飞更是忍不住惊呼道:“A swastika.(纳粹的卐字符。)”
  “Say yes!(说对了!)”木子一笑站了起来,把手上的铅笔一甩,丢给了高晓飞。
  高晓飞连忙用双手接住了铅笔,不可思议地说道:“Muzi beauty! You're not gonna use this as a key to open the door, are you? This is just too fanciful.(木子美女!你不会是想用这个当钥匙把门打开吧?这也太过异想天开了。)”
  “Beauty! You are so cute. How could you think of such a strange thing...(美女!你真可爱,这种匪夷所思的事情,你倒是怎么想出……)”高晓飞一句话还未说完,只听得三角形门里“嘀”的一声轻响,就好像是开启了什么仪器似的。响声一过,整个三角形门便向着金字塔内滑了进去,然后又分成两边缓缓打开,一股寒气从金字塔内直冲了出来。
  “Spread out quickly.(快散开。)”木子双手一张,众人连忙向两边散了开去。
  木子笑了笑,这才解释道:“Air ghost, namely attack us that specially developed by artificial intelligence stealth fighter, was that sci-fi weapons research project, is called ghost plan, project material above the icon is a seven of the triangle, and the pyramid of three at the same, so I just thought of using this way to give it a try.(空中幽灵,也就是袭击我们那架经特殊研制的人工智能隐形战机。当时那份科幻武器研究项目,就叫幽灵计划,项目材料上面的图标就是一个七格的三角形,就和这座金字塔的三角门一模一样,所以我才想到了用这个办法试一试。)”
  萧问天紧锁着眉头,疑惑地说道:“That makes the problem clear, but also more complicated!这样说来,问题就清晰了,但也更加复杂了!”
  木子点了点头:“Presumably, the door had been opened before, and it proved that someone had been inside the pyramid.(如此推测,这道门曾经被打开过,也证明了曾经有人进去了金字塔内部。)”
  米里亚娜惊呼道:“You mean, Nazis?(你是说,纳粹?)”
  “Right(对。)”木子点头说道,“But judging by the thickness of the ice on the entrance, it must be at least a decade old, which means that ten years ago, the Nazis came here and opened the door to get inside the pyramid.(但从门口位置被冰封的厚度痕迹来看,至少也有十年以上的时间了;也就是说,十年前,纳粹曾经来过这里,并打开了这道门进去了金字塔内部。)”
  高晓飞疑惑地问道:“So what exactly was the pyramid used for? What did the Nazis do in there?(那这座金字塔的用途到底是什么?纳粹进去里面又干了什么坏事?)”
  凯丽道:“Muzi is thinking clearly now. Let's listen to her first.(木子现在已经是思路清晰了,我们先听她说。)”
  “Yeah, I've figured a lot out.(不错,我是想明白了很多。)”木子点了点头,指了指金字塔里面,“I am now almost certain that the Nazis used technology to break the code of the trigonal gate to get into the pyramid, and then changed the way the trigonal gate was opened, so that I was able to open the door in this way; Also, the pyramid is not tomb, but an alien civilization abandoned land on the earth, for use in spacecraft landing at the South Pole and command center, dock is an alien spacecraft base, we see on the top of the pyramid of blue light, should be a spaceship, namely we often say UFO.(我现在基本上可以确定,是纳粹利用科技手段破解了三角门的密码而进了金字塔,然后又把三角门的打开方式给更换了,所以我才能够用这种方式打开了门;还有,这座金字塔并非是陵墓,而是一座外星文明遗弃在地球、用于宇宙飞船降落南极的降落场和指挥中心,是外星人停靠宇宙飞船的基地。我们看到在金字塔顶上所发出的蓝光,应该就是一艘宇宙飞船,也就是我们常说的飞碟。)”
  凯丽皱眉道:“So the Nazis entered the pyramid to study UFO technology for alien civilizations?(也就是说,纳粹进来金字塔就是研究外星文明的飞碟技术?)”
  木子点头说道:“Yes, they found the pyramids, found the flying saucer, and finally stole the flying saucer technology, and then hijacked a lot of scientists around the world, and worked hard for decades, and finally developed a science fiction aircraft that was more advanced than Earth's technology, that is, the ghost of the sky.(对,他们发现了金字塔,发现了飞碟,最后窃取到飞碟技术,然后劫持笼络了很多世界各地的科学家,努力研究了几十年,终于研制出了技术领先于地球科技更先进的科幻飞行器,也就是空中幽灵。)”
  米里亚娜惊呼道:“So the Nazis have everything in the pyramids?(这样说来,纳粹是掌握了金字塔里的一切?)”
  萧问天道:“It's possible. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a ghost in the sky.(有这种可能,要不然的话,空中幽灵就不会出现了。)”
  木子说道:“That year I enter for the phantom plan although there is no formal, but I'm quite interested in this sci-fi weapons, I also kept a ghost program data, and to study, so every link I am very familiar with, of course, this all just theoretical knowledge, and now, and a comparison here, before many don't understand the key point, now basically is gradually clear up.(当年的幽灵计划我虽然没有正式参加,但我对这种科幻武器相当感兴趣,幽灵计划项目的资料我也一直保存有,并加以钻研,所以,每一个环节我都很熟悉。当然,这都只是理论知识,现在和这里的情景一对照,以前很多想不明白的关键点,现在基本上都渐渐清晰起来了。)”
  凯丽喜道:“Teil. Great, because if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have solved this mystery for another 10 years.(木子!太好了,要不是你,我们就算再花上十年的时间也解不开这个谜团。)”
  木子仰头看向塔顶,说道:“But I'm going up to the top of the pyramid myself, to verify the UFO from an alien civilization.(但我要亲自上去金字塔顶看看,印证一下那艘来自外星文明的飞碟。)”
  米里亚娜拿出空气检测仪测试,说道:“The air quality is normal.(空气质量正常。)”
  “All right, let's go in. Be careful.(好,我们进去,大家小心点。)”萧问天把头一点,和高晓飞同时拔出手枪,打开强光手电照向金字塔内,带头并肩跨过了金字塔的三角门。
  木子皱眉道:“This was supposed to be the command center, with a large circle of different colored stones in the middle, which was supposed to be the landing site for the flying saucers, except that the command center system had been stripped of equipment by the Nazis.(这里应该就是指挥中心,中间的位置用不同颜色的石条摆了一个大大的圆圈,应该就是飞碟的降落场,只是指挥中心系统的仪器都被纳粹搬运一空了。)”
  高晓飞疑问道:“So the tip of the triangle of the pyramid can be opened?(这么说,金字塔的三角形顶尖是可以打开的?)”
  木子点头说道:“That's for sure.(那是肯定的。)”
  高晓飞忽然问道:“Muzi beauty! Does the alien really look like an octopus?(木子美女!那外星人真长得像一只章鱼吗?)”
  木子苦笑道:“I'm not an alien. I've never seen an alien. How do I know what they look like?(我又不是外星人,也没见过外星人,怎么会知道他们长啥样?)”
  萧问天道:“If the Nazis were in here, they must have reprogrammed the electrical system, so let's find the power switch.(既然纳粹进来过这里,他们就肯定重新设置了电力系统,我们先找到电力开关。)”
  高晓飞道:“Even if the Nazis had reconfigured the power system, there would be no way to generate electricity in a place deep under a glacier, let alone something that's been abandoned for thousands of years.(就算是纳粹重新设置了电力系统,那这里深藏冰川地下,靠什么来发电?更何况这是千万年来遗弃下来的东西。)”
  萧问天道:“The Nazis may have reconfigured the electricity grid, but the power generation system is certainly the legacy of alien civilizations, and they will probably be using nuclear power reactors, which will not disappear for any length of time.(纳粹虽然重新设置了电力布局,但发电系统肯定还是外星文明所遗留下来的技术,他们所用的,应该也会是核能源反应堆,不管时间多久,都不会消失。)”
  高晓飞惊讶道:“Is it a nuclear power plant?(是核电站?)”
  木子道:“To be precise, small nuclear reactor power generation technology, just like our Earth's nuclear aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, are using this technology, and alien civilizations are much higher than Earth civilization, this technology will be very mature.(准确来说,是小型核反应堆发电技术,就好像我们地球上的核航母、核潜艇,都是利用了这一技术,而外星文明的等级相比地球文明高得多,这种技术会非常成熟。)”
  “Let's go along the wall.(我们沿着墙边去找。)”萧问天点头道,“We're in the middle of an unknown situation here. Keep your eyes peeled.(这里情况不明,大家不要分得太散,注意警戒。)”
  木子感叹道:“Nazi not only here to study, but also the whole system are removed, so they have fully mastered the UFO technology, pyramid, for their part, should be no real value, of course, if necessary, they will come back, after all, the flying saucer entities also stay on top of the pyramid.(纳粹不但在这里研究,还把整套系统都搬走了,以此看来,他们已经完全掌握了飞碟技术,金字塔里的一切,对他们来说,应该是没有什么实际价值了。当然,有必要的话,他们还是会回来的,毕竟,飞碟的实体还停留在金字塔顶上。)”
  高晓飞仰头上望,苦笑着感叹道:“To the top of the tower can be as high as 100 meters, equivalent to the height of a 50-story building, do we have to go up in a triangle circle?(到塔顶可高达一百多米啊,相当于五十层楼的高度,难道我们要转着三角形圈圈往上爬吗?)”
  木子笑道:“Even if you could spin around, you wouldn't get to the top of the tower.(就算你肯转圈圈,那也上不了塔顶。)”
  高晓飞道:“How do you get up there? I also want to see for myself what the rumored alien UFO actually looks like.(那怎么上去?我也想亲眼看看传说中的外星飞碟到底是什么样的。)”
  “Take the elevator up, of course.(当然是乘电梯上去。)”木子分别指了指那三条大圆柱子。
  “Is that an elevator?(那是电梯吗?)”高晓飞惊呼一声,“I thought it was the load-bearing column holding up the pyramid.(我以为是支撑金字塔的承重柱呢。)”
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