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作品名称:最后的秘境十:冰雪之夏      作者:谷主      发布时间:2022-09-05 23:37:41      字数:12416

  高晓飞举起射绳枪,说道:“You guys wait here. I'll go upstairs.(你们在这等着,我先上去看看。)”瞄准了二十米左右的一根冰柱,一扣扳机,“嗖”的一声响,绳子像箭一样射了出去,“咔”的一声,飞虎爪擦着冰柱一弹,带着绳子绕了两圈,紧紧地绑在了冰柱之上。
  凯丽收起射绳枪,又帮高晓飞扎好背包,说道:“Be careful.(你小心点。)”
  “Don't worry.(放心吧。)”高晓飞转过身去,手足并用,拉紧了防护绳,向着冰悬崖攀去。
  凯丽心里着急,连忙高声喊道:“Vick! What's the matter with you?(晓飞!你怎么啦?)”
  “乖乖隆滴咚!俺滴个天哪!”高晓飞心头一震,顿时回过神来,惊叹一声,转头向下喊道,“The ship, like a big ship, a big old ship, was trapped inside the glacier.(船,好像是一艘大船,很大的古船,被封在了冰川里面。)”
  “Are you dreaming again?(你又做梦了吧?)”凯丽大声喊道。
  “No, no, no, not a dream,I didn't dream of it. It was a big old ship, for god's sake!(不不不,不是做梦,我没做梦,千真万确,的确是一艘很大的古船,天哪!)”高晓飞的话不亚于一颗定时炸弹,把众人都惊得面面相觑。南极的冰层之下居然被封存了一艘古船,这远比发现任何的物种都要令人震惊。
  “Oh god!(噢上帝!)”米里亚娜忍不住一声惊叹。
  “Oh my god!(天哪!)”木子惊讶得睁大了双眼,“Wasn't it only 200 years ago that the Antarctic continent was first discovered? Then why is there an old ship frozen in an Antarctic glacier? Oh my god! This is incredible.(不是说在二百年前人类才首次发现南极大陆吗?那怎么又会有这一艘冰封在南极冰川里的古船?天哪!这也太不可思议了。)”
  萧问天看着上面的古船,感叹道:“All the mysteries are inside, and it's only by getting close that you can solve them.(所有的谜团都在里面,只有靠近它,才有可能解开谜底。)”
  高晓飞两眼发光,贪婪地说道:“Do you think this old boat is worth more than the dinosaur in front of it?(你们说,这艘古船和前面那只恐龙相比,哪个更值钱?)”
  “Avarice.(财迷。)”凯丽忍不住好笑,“They're priceless. You should carry them both.(都是无价之宝,你应该两个都背出去。)”
  “Good advice!(好建议!)”高晓飞装着一本正经地点了点头,感叹道,“It would be perfect if they were all shrunk down enough to fit in a pocket.(它们要是都缩小到能装进口袋里,那就太完美了。)”
  “Let it go.(那算了吧。)”凯丽笑道,“You might as well be thinking about transferring money from your brain to your bank card.(你还不如多想想怎样把脑子里的钱转到银行卡呢。)”
  “Little sees much.(少见多怪。)”高晓飞看了看木子和米里亚娜两个,摇着头感叹了一声,转头问道,“老大!我们上去看看吧。”
  “I'll go up and have a look, and then you'll follow.(我先上去看看,然后你们再跟着来。)”高晓飞话音未落,已是双手拉紧绳子攀登而上。凯丽紧紧跟在他的后面。
  高晓飞攀到古船的底部位置,伸手触摸了一下船身底板,又拿过冰镐敲了敲,只敲得冰渣飞溅,说道:“It's made of wood, but it looks very strong, just how old is it?(是木头做的,但看起来非常坚固,只是不知道有多少年头了?)”
  凯丽失笑道:“You're banging on the outer edge of the ice. It's solid.(你敲的都是外围的冰层,当然坚固了。)”
  米里亚娜仰头看上去,感叹道:“The height of this ancient ship is at least over ten meters, what a spectacle!(这古船的高度最少在十米以上,太壮观了!)”
  萧问天道:“Find a gap on the side and climb. Be safe.(从侧面寻空隙爬上去,注意安全。)”
  高晓飞把飞虎爪重新固定,然后对着下面喊道:“Come on up.(你们上来吧。)”
  萧问天单膝跪地,在冰面上抹了几下,似乎下面是一个两米左右的口子,连忙说道:“There's an opening here, probably reserved for the stern, and if you cut through the ice, you'll be able to get inside the old ship.(这里有个口子,应该是船尾预留的出口,只要凿开冰层,想必就可以进入到古船的内部了。)”
  高晓飞连忙说道:“The boss! Let me do the hard work. Are you too big to do it yourself?(老大!这种力气活还是让我来吧,您这么大的人物,怎能亲自动手呢?)”说着拿出了冰镐。
  萧问天一笑,让了开去,说道:“And I go to the bathroom myself.(那我还亲自上厕所呢。)”
  “Well! It is a hassle.(嗯!确实是挺麻烦的。)”高晓飞摇头叹息一声,装着一本正经的样子,“If there's anything we can't do, you're gonna have to do it yourself.(但凡我们帮不上忙的,就只能劳烦您老人家亲力亲为了。)”
  高晓飞舒了一口大气,疑惑地看着下面的木梯,说道:“I wonder what might be in the cabin.(不知道船舱里会有什么东西。)”
  米里亚娜道:“Anything is possible, but nothing is alive.(万事皆有可能,但一定不会有活物。)”
  高晓飞眉飞色舞地说道:“There must be treasure.(肯定有宝藏。)”
  萧问天拉开一条燃烧棒丢了下去,燃烧棒的火焰把周围的冰霜溶化,直至燃烧棒慢慢地耗尽熄灭,这才说道:“The oxygen is normal down there, but there's ice on the ladder, and it's smooth, so be careful.(下面氧气已经正常了,但木梯结了一层冰,光滑无比,大家小心点。)”拿出强光手电,一步一步地探了下去。
  萧问天在过道上慢慢蹲了下去,抹开冰霜,露出了船舱底板。他右手握拳敲了几下,说道:“The ship is built in layers, this is just the top layer, and from that height combined with the height of the hull that is exposed, it should be divided into three layers.(船是分层而建,这只是最上面的一层,从这个高度再结合外面露出来船体的高度来看,应该是分成了三层。)”
  萧问天又仰头向上看了看,接着又说道:“The passage we are walking through is about three meters wide, and the width of the houses on each side is five meters. The width of the cabin is not the same as the width of the ship, so there should be another passage and room at the back of each side of the room, which corresponds to the width of the ship, which is over twenty meters.(我们现在走的过道有三米左右的宽度,而两边房子的宽度各占了五米,船舱里的宽度和船身的宽度不对,所以说,在房间两边的后面,应该还有一条过道和房间,这才符合船体二十多米的宽度。)”
  米里亚娜用强光手电顺着中间过道直射过去,不由得惊呼道:“Oh my god! The total length of this ancient ship is more than 100 meters. When was it made? Why are they in Antarctic glaciers?(天哪!这古船的总长度足有一百多米,到底是什么时候的东西?为什么会出现在南极的冰川之中?)”
  凯丽禁不住惊叹:“More than 100 meters in length, more than 20 meters in width, if calculated by the current ship, its size and displacement of about 10,000 tons, incredible!(一百多米的长度,二十多米的宽度,若按现在的船舶来计算,其大小及排水量约为一万多吨了,不可思议!)”
  高晓飞问道:“So how old is this ship?(那这艘古船距离现在到底有多少年代了?)”
  萧问天敲了敲船板,又抚摸了一会,这才分析道:“Ancient ships were made of water-resistant, high-fat trees like cypress, and they were coated with tar. It's impossible to date them from the structures we've found so far, but they are certainly very old, and far beyond our imagination.(古船是采用柏木一类的防水高脂树木建造的,而且都涂上焦油,从目前所发现的构造来看,确定不了它的年代,但肯定非常久远,甚至远到超出了我们的想象。)”
  萧问天继续往前走去,果然看到一条横道连通左右,他看了看两边,说道:“Let's take the middle aisle first.(我们先走中间的通道。)”
  米里亚娜怔了怔,恍然大悟地惊呼道:“A hundred meters long, twenty meters wide, and ten meters high, this ancient ship is the legendary Noah's Ark. Oh, my God! I can't believe this. This is unbelievable!(一百多米的长度,二十多米的宽度,十多米的高度,难道,这艘古船就是传说中的诺亚方舟,噢上帝!真是不敢想象,这太不可思议了!)”
  高晓飞摇头道:“That's not possible, girl! That's a big leap of faith.(这不可能,美女!你也太敢想了。)”
  凯丽也摇了摇头:“The current situation of the ancient ship is very consistent with the legendary Noah's Ark, but the time is not right, the record of Noah's Ark is only a few thousand years ago, but the Antarctic ice is thousands of years ago, too far apart.(古船的现状跟传说中的诺亚方舟非常吻合,但时间上不对,诺亚方舟的记载只有几千年,但南极的冰封却是远在千万年之前,相隔太遥远了。)”
  “I agree with Callie.(我同意凯丽的观点。)”木子百思不得其解:“The origin of human beings can only be traced back to 5.8 million years ago, and the history of upright human beings is only 1.8 million years, but at that time, the Antarctic continent has been frozen, if there is no water, ships are unable to sail, but why did this ancient ship appear here? And frozen up high?(人类的起源最远也只是追溯到580万年前,而直立人类的历史也只有短短的180万年,但那时候,南极大陆已经被冰封了,如果没有水,船只是无法行驶的,可这艘古船为什么又会出现在这里?而且还是被冰封在高处?)”
  凯丽道:“There's only one explanation. There were people on Antarctica long before it was frozen over.(那就只有一种解释,远在南极被冰封之前,南极大陆上就出现过人类。)”
  “Is it a prehistoric civilization?(是史前文明?)”高晓飞忍不住惊呼,“Oh, my God, this is amazing!(天哪,这太不可思议了!)”
  木子道:“Noah's Ark is just a myth, is the legend true?(诺亚方舟只是一种神话传说,难道,传说是真的?)”
  萧问天拍了拍手上的冰霜,站了起来,说道:“Apart from the timing, this ancient ship is a very good match for the Biblical account of Noah's Ark, but it's hard to say what caused these mysteries, so we'll just have to keep looking for answers.(除了时间对不上,这艘古船还真是和《圣经》上记载的诺亚方舟非常吻合,但到底是什么原因出现这些谜团,目前说不上来,我们只有往前去,继续寻找答案。)”
  高晓飞问道:“So when did the legendary prehistoric flood take place?(那么,传说中的史前大洪水是发生在什么时候?)”
  木子说道:“Legend, the time of the prehistoric flood is not too clear, but also have a saying, prehistoric flood has about ten thousand years of history, prehistoric flood and natural flooding phenomena is not the same, prehistoric flood peak with km, an instant engulfed the plains, also let many of the earth's living things lost his life.(传说中,史前大洪水发生的时间并不太明确。但也有一种说法,史前大洪水距今已经有约一万年的历史,史前大洪水和自然的洪水现象并不相同。史前大洪水拥有千米高峰,一瞬间就吞没了平原,也让地球上的很多生物都丧失了生命。)”
  高晓飞不由得说道:“Ten thousand years, China's civilization history is only five thousand years.(一万年,中国的文明史也只有五千年。)”
  凯丽道:“Human society was innovating before civilization, not that there were no people before civilization.(人类社会在形成文明之前那也在创新的,并不是创立文明之前就没有人。)”
  高晓飞点了点头:“That's true, but how did Noah's Ark get here when the Antarctic was frozen ten thousand years ago?(说得也是,但是,一万年前的南极早就被冰冻住了,诺亚方舟又是怎样来到这里的?)”
  萧问天道:“According to ancient records, the prehistoric flood refers to the prehistoric earth was suddenly surrounded by a tsunami of unknown origin, nearly a kilometer high flood peak, with a thundering force, roaring into the land, swallowed the plains and valleys, engulfing all the living in these places. In the history and legends of any nation of sufficient time span in the world, there are strikingly similar stories of the Great Flood, but they are very different from the Biblical account of Genesis.(据古籍记载,史前大洪水是指史前地球突然被来历不明的海啸包围,近千米高的洪峰,以雷霆万钧之势,咆哮着冲向陆地,吞没了平原谷地,吞没了这些地方的所有生灵。在世界上任何一个有足够时间跨度的民族历史和传说中,都有着惊人相似的大洪水传说,但是,这跟《圣经.创世纪》上的记载又有着很大的区别。)”
  米里亚娜用强光手电往前射去,说道:“Although there is a big difference in time, this ancient ship does match the legendary Noah's Ark very well, is it just a coincidence?(虽然时间上是有着很大的区别,但这艘古船的确和传说中的诺亚方舟非常吻合,难道这只是一种巧合吗?)”
  凯丽摇头苦笑:“I don't even have enough brains to figure it out.(脑子都不够用了,想不明白。)”
  木子也摇头感叹:“I can't figure it out either.(我也想不明白。)”
  高晓飞哈哈一笑:“In Antarctica, you learn to believe in things you don't understand.(在南极,你们要学会去相信那些想不明白的事物。)”
  凯丽看了他一眼:“What are you so happy about?(你高兴个什么劲?)”
  “That must be happy.(那必须高兴啊。)”高晓飞笑了笑,又问道,“老大!那关于这个史前大洪水,中国也有古籍记载吗?”
  哪知米里亚娜也跟着苦笑道:“Can't understand!(听不懂!)”
  木子忍不住好笑:“No, that's right. It's an ancient book.(听不懂那就对了,那是古籍。)”
  高晓飞反问道:“What are you laughing at? Don't you understand.(你笑什么?难道你能听懂。)”
  木子傲然道:“Of course I do. I also know the Western account, the Epic of Gilgamesh in Babylon, of a flood followed by a storm that almost overnight covered all the high mountains of the continent. Only the people who lived on them and fled to them survived. The Sumerian Civilization Immortalized on Clay Tablets says: "The situation was too terrible to accept. The wind was screaming in the air, and everyone was running as hard as they could, running up the mountains, ignoring everything. Everyone thought the war had begun. Mexico "Chimar Popoca drawing book" records: the sky is close to the earth, in one day, all the people are extinct, the mountains are hidden in the flood; Indian "Bobol-Ulf" records: there was a great flood, the surrounding became dark, began to rain black, pouring rain day and night, people desperately to escape, they climbed to the roof, but the house collapsed, threw them to the ground. So they climbed to the top of the tree, but the tree shook them down again. People found refuge in the cave, but the cave collapsed and took away people's lives, so human beings were completely extinct; The Mayan Bible says it was devastating, a flood in which people drowned in the sticky rain that fell from the sky; There is even the legendary Atlantean civilization, also because of the prehistoric flood just disappeared.(我当然能听懂,我还知道西方的记载,古巴比伦《吉尔伽美什史诗》中记载:洪水伴随着风暴,几乎在一夜之间淹没了大陆上所有的高山,只有居住在山上和逃到山上的人才得以生存;《泥板上不朽的苏美尔文明》中记载:那种情形恐怖得让人难以接受,风在空中可怕地呼叫着,大家都在拼命地逃跑,向山上逃去,什么都不顾了,每个人都以为战争开始了;墨西哥《奇马尔波波卡绘图文字书》中记载:天接近了地,一天之内,所有的人都灭绝了,山也隐没在了洪水之中;印第安《波波尔—乌夫》中记载:发生了大洪水,周围变得一片漆黑,开始下起了黑色的雨,倾盆大雨昼夜不停地下,人们拼命地逃跑。他们爬上了房顶,但房子塌毁了,将他们摔在地上;于是,他们又爬到了树顶,但树又把他们摇落下来。人们在洞穴里找到了避难的地点,但因洞窟塌毁而夺去了人们的生命,人类就这样被彻底灭绝了;还有《玛雅圣经》中记载:这是毁灭性的大破坏,一场大洪灾,人们都淹死在从天而降的黏糊糊的大雨之中;甚至还有传说中的亚特兰蒂斯文明,也都是因为史前大洪水才消失的。)”
  高晓飞听得眼都大了,对着木子一抱拳:“Muzi beauty! I admire you.(木子美女!佩服佩服。)”
  凯丽笑道:“All I can remember is that in the Bible it is written that the flood was on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and the water rose and lifted the ark up from the earth. The water was so great that the mountains were covered. After five months, the ark stood on a mountain.(我只记得《圣经》中记载:洪水在地泛滥40昼夜,水往上涨,把方舟从地漂起,水势极其浩大,山岭都淹没了。5个月后,方舟停在一座山上;又过4个月后,诺亚离开了方舟,大地已经全干了。)”
  米里亚娜摇头笑道:“Oh my god! You guys are so smart!(天哪!你们脑子真好使!)”
  萧问天笑道:“Don't think about it, let's go ahead to find the answer.(想不到那就不要想了,我们往前面去寻找答案。)”
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