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作品名称:最后的秘境八:西风残照      作者:谷主      发布时间:2020-11-27 21:27:37      字数:13354

  “Beauty! What's wrong with you? Concentrate on walking!(美女!你又怎么了?专心走路啊!)”高晓飞走在她后面,连忙出声询问。
  “The mummies, like they're moving!(那些干尸,好像它们在动!)”苏珊喘息着说道。
  “It's not like, they're always moving!But why do you keep thinking about them?They're not related to you.(不是好像,它们本来就一直在动!可是你老想着它们干什么?它们和你又不是亲戚。)”高晓飞无奈地说道。
  “But I'm afraid!(但是我怕!)”苏珊拍了拍心口,半闭着双眼不敢乱看。
  “Why are you afraid of them?What a shame that you're a war reporter!Isn't life and death commonplace?(你怕它们干吗!亏你还是个搞战地新闻的人!生生死死不都是司空见惯了吗?)”高晓飞自然而然地又向着近前的一具干尸看了一眼,它真的是一直在动,随着阴风晃荡着。
  苏珊拍了拍心口,重重地舒了一口气,说道:“That is different, although there are a lot of dead people on the battlefield, but that is the cruelty of war, is a solemn and stirring, not like these mummies so terrible!Perhaps they had all turned into ghosts!(那不一样,战场上虽然也有很多死人,但那是战争的残酷,是一种悲壮,不像这些干尸这么恐怖!说不定,它们都变成了鬼魂!)”有人陪她说说话,语音也可以壮壮胆气,不会像屏住呼吸一样,犹如真的行走在黄泉路上、正在通往阎王殿。
  甄子枫从后面一把扶住了被吓得浑身发抖的苏珊,紧张地问道:“What's wrong?(怎么了?)”
  苏珊惊恐地睁大了双眼,惊慌失措地指着附近的一具干尸,抖着声音说道:“It... It's really... on the move!(它……它真的在……在动!)”
  “It's always moving!(它本来就一直在动!)”高晓飞一边说,一边顺着她的手指看了过去。只见那具倒吊着的干尸除随风晃荡之外,被白色蜘蛛丝包裹着的身体以及头部,同样都在蠕蠕而动,就好像干尸正在挣扎着向他扑过来似的,更像是有什么东西要从里面钻出来。
  高晓飞只感到一阵恶心,突然间后背发凉,紧跟着就是头皮一麻,不由自主地倒抽了一口凉气,失声惊叫道:“Corpse change! It's corpse change! A corpse!(尸变,是尸变!要诈尸了!)”
  木子被他的惊叫声吓了一大跳,骂道:“What the hell is your name?(你鬼叫什么?)”
  “What is it? That's disgusting!(什么东西?这么恶心!)”木子皱眉惊呼。但她话音未落,那些虫子竟然奔着众人而来。
  “Back up. Back up. Don't let the bugs touch you.(后退,后退,别让虫子碰到。)”萧问天往后一挥手,他一时之间想不出这是什么虫子,但既然生长在这种地方,还是不要碰它为好。
  “Bugs, there are bugs here!(虫子,这边也有虫子!)”凯丽一声惊呼。
  “My God! It's the devil coming!(我的上帝!是魔鬼过来了!)”苏珊大惊失色。
  “That's not the way to do it. There are too many bugs!(这样不是办法,虫子太多了!)”江若溪扭头一看周围,只见漫山遍野都是黑压压的一片,全部都是虫子,而晃荡着的干尸似乎晃得更猛烈了,就好像一只只要向他们扑过来似的。
  “Bugs are poisonous. Be careful not to let your skin touch them!(虫子有毒,小心不要让皮肤碰到!)”萧问天忽然大喊一声,他看着地上铺天盖地涌过来的这种黑色虫子,脑海里猛地闪过了一种非常恐怖的东西,惊呼道,“Stooges, this is stooges, toxic inside, everyone careful!(傀儡虫,这是傀儡虫,体内有毒,大家小心点!)”
  “There are more and more bugs!(虫子越来越多了!)”江若溪看着像黑色潮水般涌过来的虫子惊呼。
  萧问天看着从四面八方涌过来的傀儡虫说道:“The golem was hiding in the body of the mummified body and in the dark, we came over carefully all the way, they were not disturbed, so they did not come out to attack us, but now the golem has been awakened!(傀儡虫本来是躲在干尸体内和黑暗之中,我们一路上小心翼翼过来,它们并没有被惊动,所以也就没有出来攻击我们,但现在傀儡虫已经被惊醒了!)”
  木子忍不住惊问道:“Do stooges eat people?(傀儡虫会吃人吗?)”
  “The louder the sound, the greater the stimulation to the golem will be, we must not panic, more do not run around, surrounded by a circle.(声音越大,对傀儡虫的刺激也会越大,大家千万不要慌,更不要乱跑,围成一个圈子。)”萧问天并没有正面回答木子的问话。他明白只要被虫子一粘身,七个人将死无葬身之地,看着越来越多,越来越近的傀儡虫,萧问天眉头一锁,说道,“Golem bugs are numerous, bugs are small, bullets don't work, and we don't have enough bullets to burn!All put on gas masks.Xiaofei maniac, take flame thrower, use fire to stop the worm.(傀儡虫数量众多,虫子又小,子弹发挥不了作用,而且,我们也没有那么多的子弹可以消耗!所有人戴上防毒面具。晓飞、疯子,拿火焰喷射器,用火拦住虫子。)”
  “Here comes the worm!(虫子过来了!)”随着苏珊惊恐万状的惊叫声,“呼呼”两声响,两条火龙分别从高晓飞和甄子枫的火焰枪中激射而出,强大的火舌带着呼呼的风声,把潮水般涌过来的傀儡虫喷得向外飞了出去,顿时燃烧起来。
  “老大!Where do these puppets come from?So much, and people to eat!(老大!这些傀儡虫到底是什么来路?竟然如此之多,还要吃人!)”高晓飞才松得一口气,却又忍不住气喘吁吁地问道。
  萧问天看着无以数计在熊熊大火中挣扎蠕动的傀儡虫,感叹了一声,说道:“The dummy insect, also known as corpse insect, is a kind of poisonous insect which only eats the human body and the animal body for a living, the harm is very big!(傀儡虫,也叫尸虫,是一种专靠啖食人类尸体和动物尸体为生的有毒虫子,危害性非常之大!)”
  苏珊一拍心口,惊恐万状地叹息道:“This is terrible, God bless!(这太可怕了,上帝保佑!)”
  高晓飞惊呼道:“Oh my god!There are worms in the world that live on dead bodies, as insidious and venomous as the death worms in the blood desert!(天哪!世界上竟然有靠吃尸体生存的虫子,这跟血沙漠上的死亡之虫一样阴险狠毒!)”
  木子道:“In terms of sinister, the death insect is better, this corpse insect is at least in the open, but the death insect hiding in the ground, you can't find out, quietly killed people, you don't even know how to die!(说到阴险,死亡之虫可是更胜一筹。这种尸虫最起码是光明正大地来,可死亡之虫躲在地下,你根本就发现不了,不声不响把人弄死后,你就连怎么死的都不知道!)”
  高晓飞惊叹道:“Death bugs can get to the ground, but these corpse insects have wings, and it would be terrible if they hit the air!(死亡之虫会钻地,但这些尸虫可是有翅膀的,要是它们飞到空中冲击的话,那可就糟糕了!)”
  萧问天道:“These corpse insects are mutants. Although they have wings, they can fly, but they have lost their basic flight function because they live in darkness for a long time and lack flight. Otherwise, they would fly all over the sky.(这些尸虫都是变异品种,虽然长了翅膀,也能飞,但由于长期生活在黑暗之中,缺少飞翔,已经丧失了基本的飞行功能,不然的话,它们早就飞得满天都是了。)”
  高晓飞忍不住笑道:“Their wings are the kindling, wonderful!(原来它们的翅膀就是引火之物,妙极!)”
  萧问天看着大火中挣扎的尸虫,感叹着说道:“In fact, the resin is also recorded in ancient books, in some novels and has appeared in films and on television, but is not really met dead insect, had to get away and survived much less, if we do not have the two flame thrower, then we will become like them off!(其实,尸虫在一些古籍中也有记载,在一些小说和电影电视上也都有出现,但真正遇到过尸虫的人可不多,遇上了能够全身而退又活了下来的更是少之又少。如果我们不是拥有这两支火焰喷射器,那么我们就会变成和它们一样的下场了!)”说着指了指那些晃荡着的干尸。
  “Aren't these webs spider silk?But the silk from these corpse worms?(难道,这些丝网不是蜘蛛丝?而是这些尸虫放的虫丝?)”凯丽看着那些被白色丝网包裹得犹如粽子一样的干尸。
  “Yes!(是的!)”萧问天点了点头,解释道,“Resin worm can also produce silk, and compared with the spider silk more tenacious, resin insect toxicity, though not high, but the quantity is numerous, can be easily put to death, men and animals they are drilling in the body, the food inside the carcasses, slowly eat your body empty, leaving only the epidermis and skeleton, to take the body into a specimen, such as the body slowly dried, is to take the body wrapped with insect silk, and then as time goes on, the pull of the bit by bit, to lift the body slowly, the body inside as they nest!And those left on the ground, not to be stuffed, become white bones!(尸虫也能吐丝,而且相比蜘蛛丝更坚韧。尸虫的毒性虽然不高,但数量众多,很容易就能把人和动物致死。它们就钻进尸体内,慢慢啖食内部尸肉,把尸体吃空,只留下表皮和骨架,把尸体变成一具标本。等尸体慢慢风干后,就用虫丝把尸体包裹起来,然后再随着时间的推移,一点一点地拉扯延伸,慢慢地把尸体倒吊起来,把尸体内部当成了它们的窝!而那些留在地上没有被做成标本的尸体,就变成了森森白骨!)”
  “This is terrible!(这也太恐怖了!)”江若溪忍不住摇头感叹。
  “乖乖隆滴咚!This is definitely the most disgusting bug in the world!(这绝对是世界上最恶心的虫子!)”高晓飞又忍不住拍了拍心口。
  甄子枫举着火焰喷射器巡查着火势的情况,以防尸虫冲破火焰圈,忍不住问道:“But why are there only human mummified remains and not a single animal carcass?(可为什么这里只有人类的干尸,而一只动物的尸体都没有?)”
  萧问天道:“Ghost valley resin so much the number of insect, is not can be formed overnight, they occupy the time here is certainly very long, there will be at least one thousand years, and the special function of animals have feelings of danger, have not come in yellow, but the human is not the special senses, coupled with the war also be fearless!(幽灵谷里尸虫的数量如此之多,可不是一朝一夕就能够形成的,它们盘踞在这里的时间肯定也非常久远,最起码也会有千年之久。而动物都有感受危险的特殊功能,早就不会进来找死了,可人类并没有这方面的特殊感观,再加上战争中也是无所畏惧的!)”
  江若溪摇头叹息道:“Two troops rushed into the valley, first met in front of the miasma, human being after gas invasion, can appear chills, fever, sweating, even mentally confused wait for a symptom, light person the body is weak, the person that weigh cause death, even if they were able to cross malaria area, here, also is a spent force, simply can't resist this endless resin worm attack!(两支部队一冲进峡谷,首先就遇上了前面瘴气的侵袭,人类被毒气侵入后,即可出现发冷、发热、出汗,甚至精神迷糊等症状,轻者使身体虚弱,重者造成死亡,就算他们能够冲过瘴气区,到了这里,也已经是强弩之末了,根本就抵御不了这无穷无尽尸虫的攻击!)”
  凯丽长长舒了一口气,感叹道:“Two armies of soldiers, more than two hundred lives, have been fed corpse insects, how terrible!(两支部队的士兵,两百多个生命,居然都喂了尸虫,太恐怖了!)”
  苏珊忽然问道:“The boss! What is the origin of these corpse insects?(老大!这些尸虫有什么来历吗?)”
  “Have!(有!)”萧问天想了想,这才缓缓说道,“Corpse insects, also known as golem in Chinese folklore, can be traced back to a form of miao zu witchcraft, known as necrodriving.Chinese people have a special love for their native land. In any case, ye Luo must return to his roots. If a child dies in another country, I wish to be buried in the land of his hometown.In ancient China, Xiangxi Ruanjiang upstream area, where poor, more than the poor to make a living in places such as Sichuan and Yunnan or Guizhou east area, or as a vendor, herbalism, or hunting, where more than mountains, mountain miasma is very heavy, falciparum malaria epidemic frequently, living environment is bad to the fullest, except the local miao people is seldom go to outside.Dead in those parts of the han people, no one is rich, and han Chinese traditionally, corpse the idea of the return of the native buried very deep, but in the thousands or hundreds of miles of rugged mountain path, even if rich, also hard to use vehicles or carry stretcher, so they invented a strange way, is to use the puppet worm cast resin back.(尸虫,在中国民间传说中也叫傀儡虫,最早可以追溯到一种被称为赶尸的苗族蛊术。中国人特别眷恋自己的故土,不管怎么样,叶落必须归根。客死异地的游子,本人意愿一定要入葬家乡的土地,孝子贤孙必须要搬丧回籍,亲友相知也都有资助此事的义务。在中国古代,湘西沅江上游一带,地方贫瘠,穷人多赴川滇等地或黔东地区谋生,或作小贩、采药,或狩猎为生。那些地方多崇山峻岭,山中瘴气很重,恶性疟疾经常流行,生活环境坏到极点,除当地的苗人以外,外人是很少去的。死在那些地方的汉人,没一个是有钱人;而汉人在传统上,运尸还乡埋葬的观念很深。但是,在那上千里或数百里的崎岖山路上,即使有钱,也难以用车辆或担架扛抬,于是,就有人创出了这一怪异的办法,就是利用傀儡虫赶尸回乡。)”
  高晓飞惊呼道:“Could it be that this is the legendary driving corpse?I have seen such a strange description in the novel!(难道,这就是传说中的赶尸?我在小说上曾经就看到过有这么一种诡异的描写!)”
  萧问天点了点头:“Pretty good, drive dead namely a kind of venomous insect art, venomous insect art cent is white venomous insect art and black venomous insect art.The miao nationality of Chinese Yunnan area is good at black legendary venomous legend, namely next venomous legend.And corpse belong to white method, the legend, the corpse is the man who is wearing cassock two mage, they use method, to control puppet insect body, and the person that has driven resin control puppet, regardless of the number of bodies, how many are driven by master and apprentice, corpse is in the evening, but can't play lanterns, hands shaking at a mastermind bell, on and gong to avoid the night man.When there are more than one corpse, connect them with straw rope at intervals of six or seven feet.When they walked at night, the bodies wore high felt hats, and on their foreheads hung sheets of yellow paper with symbols on them, hanging down over their faces.On the road there is a "cadaver inn", a mysterious inn which only houses the dead and drives them away.The door of the inn is open all the year round.For behind two large doors was the resting place of the corpse.The corpse-driver, with the body, arrived at the Cadaver's inn before daybreak, the body standing neatly against the wall behind the door plank, and left quietly at night.In the heavy rain is not easy to walk, I stopped in the shop for a few days and nights.To avoid such a shock, the master tapped the gong ahead of him, and when the people along the road heard the thrilling sound, they immediately closed their doors and avoided it.For this full of horror and mystery of the corpse method, many people are skeptical, but it is a pity that there is a lack of written information about this aspect, the true spread down is not obvious!(不错,赶尸也就是蛊术的一种,蛊术分为白蛊术和黑蛊术。传说中国云南一带的苗族就擅长黑蛊术,也就是下蛊。而赶尸则属于白蛊术。传说中,赶尸的人是两个身穿道袍的法师,他们利用蛊术,让傀儡虫控制尸体,而赶尸的人却控制傀儡虫,无论尸体数量有多少,都由师傅和徒弟来赶。赶尸都是在晚上,但不能打灯笼,手中摇着一个摄魂铃,一面走一面敲锣,使夜行人避开。尸体在一个以上时,即用草绳把它们连起来,每隔六七尺一个。夜里行走时,尸体都带着高筒毡帽,额上压着几张画着符的黄纸,垂在脸上。路上有‘死尸客店’。这种神秘莫测的客店,只住死尸和赶尸人,一般人是不住的。客店的大门一年到头都开着。因为两扇大门板后面,是尸体停歇之处。赶尸人赶着尸体,天亮前就到达死尸客店,尸体都在门板后面整齐地倚墙而立,到了夜晚又悄然离去。遇上大雨天不好走,就在店里停上几天几夜。为了尽量避免惊世骇俗,所以法师便敲着铜锣在前开路,当沿路的居民听到这些扣人心弦的铜锣声后,便立即纷纷关门闭户,避之唯恐不及。对于这充满恐怖神秘色彩的赶尸法,许多人听了都是半信半疑,只可惜有关这方面的文字资料甚为缺乏,真正流传下来的并不明显!)”
  “Oh, my God! No wonder it's called a golem!(我的天哪!怪不得叫傀儡虫!)”高晓飞惊讶得连声惊呼,“But how to control such disgusting bugs?Is there really witchcraft?(可是这么恶心的虫子又如何控制?难道真有巫术不成?)”
  萧问天摇了摇头:“I don't know. It's a folk tale, after all, which nobody has really seen.(这个就不清楚了,这毕竟是民间传说,谁也没有真正看见过。)”
  “The boss! So how do we get out of here?(老大!那我们该怎样才能出去?)”苏珊看着大火中被烧得吱吱作响的尸虫,连说话的声音都在发抖,她现在最关心的,就是能不能闯得出去。
  萧问天看看四面八方源源不断涌过来的尸虫,说道:“We have two flamethrowers that can boil a passage out, and detoxification and detoxification drugs to spare, but be careful!(我们有两支火焰喷射器,可以烧开一条通道冲出去,还有驱虫药和解毒药品备用,但一切还要小心谨慎!)”
  高晓飞看着犹如黑色潮水般的尸虫,苦笑道:“But with so many bugs, can we get out?(可是,这么多的虫子,我们能跑得出去吗?)”
  凯丽道:“If you can't get out, won't you?(跑不出去,难道你就不跑了吗?)”
  萧问天思索了一下,这才分析道:“Corpse insect in addition to call puppet insect, there is another call, is a insect, is the legend of yunnan miao people under the venomous insect, and the next venomous insect is to let the insect into the human or animal's body inside, the next venomous insect is outside the control of the insect, let the person of the next venomous insect obey him;If the legend is true, then the corpse insect must have a different sense, and it must be afraid, just not fast enough to convey its message;I think, the fire burn a little longer, the insects will certainly not so desperately to the fire, and we can use the fire attack, the opportunity to rush out.(尸虫除了又叫傀儡虫,还有另外一个叫法,就是蛊虫,是传说中云南一带苗族下蛊的毒虫。而下蛊就是让虫子钻进人类或动物的身体内部,下蛊之人却在外面控制虫子,让被下蛊之人听命于他。如果传说是真的,那么这种尸虫就肯定有一种与众不同的感观,它肯定也会害怕,只不过是讯息的传递不够快速而已。我想,大火再烧一会,虫子们肯定就不会这么拼命地往大火里冲了,而我们就可以利用火攻,趁机冲出去。)” 
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