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作品名称:最后的秘境十:冰雪之夏      作者:谷主      发布时间:2022-09-11 22:39:40      字数:17746

  高晓飞大失所望,叹气道:“There's no clue. There's no treasure.(找不到线索,居然连宝藏也没有。)”
  木子道:“Is the dream still awake, lover of money?(财迷,梦还没醒吗?)”
  高晓飞道:“It's dark in here. I can't wake up so fast.(这里太黑了,肯定没这么快醒来。)”
  凯丽笑道:“Then you can keep sleepwalking.(那你就继续梦游吧。)”
  萧问天说道:“In fact, not without clues, this orderly situation, at least shows that the ancient ship did not have an accident, but arrived at the destination and landed safely; Let's assume for a moment that if this ancient ship is indeed the legendary Noah's Ark, the people and animals on board were safely evacuated, which would be perfectly consistent with the Biblical account of Genesis.(其实,也不是毫无线索。这种井然有序的现状,最起码说明了,古船当时并没有发生意外,而是到达了目的地安全靠岸。我们先来假设一下,如果这艘古船真是传说中的诺亚方舟,船上的人或动物,都是安全撤离的,这和《圣经·创世纪》上的记载是完全符合的。)”
  高晓飞道:“If that's true, where did Noah's family and the prehistoric animals end up?(如果这个假设成立的话,那么诺亚一家和那些史前动物们最终又去了哪里?)”
  凯丽、木子和米里亚娜相互看了看,异口同声地说道:“The Trans Antarctic Mountains.(横贯南极山脉。)”
  萧问天伸手抹去门上的冰霜,说道:“This is the bow of the ship, and if this ancient ship really was Noah's Ark, then these houses would have been the homes of Noah's family.(这里是船头的位置,假如这艘古船真是传说中的诺亚方舟,那么这几间房子应该就是诺亚一家人的住房了。)”他用力推了推门,但门上都结了冰,徒手推不开。
  高晓飞道:“老大!Let me do it.(让我来吧。)”举起冰镐对着门缝就凿,“咔嚓嚓”的破冰声响过,冰渣纷纷落下。高晓飞后退一步,对着门飞起一脚,“呯”的一声,把木门踢开。
  木子摇着头感叹:“It's too violent.(太暴力了。)”
  高晓飞侧头问道:“Without violence, then maybe you're thinking of going to Noah to borrow the key.(不用暴力,那你是不是想着去找诺亚借钥匙。)”
  木子笑道:“Well, that's the idea, but if you're violent, you don't need to be.(是有这想法,但你都施用暴力了,那就不需要了。)”
  “This is supposed to be a storage room for daily necessities.(这应该是一间储藏生活用品的储藏室。)”萧问天看着室内的情景说。
  “I don't know. There were seven or eight big, round buckets like water tanks, which might have been filled with gold and silver.(这可不一定,这里有七八个像水缸一样的大圆桶,里面装的说不定就是金银珠宝。)”高晓飞两眼放光,走到了那些大圆桶之前。
  米里亚娜笑道:“Do you like gold and silver so much?(你就这么喜欢金银珠宝吗?)”
  高晓飞道:“Of course I like gold and silver. You don't because you are so successful and so great. You are the greatest and most successful woman in the world that I have ever known, apart from Margaret.(我当然喜欢金银珠宝,你不喜欢是因为你太成功、太伟大了,世界上在我认识的女人当中,除了玛格丽特,你就是最伟大、最成功的女人了。)”
  凯丽忍不住好笑:“I can't believe you know Margaret.(不简单嘛,你居然认识玛格丽特。)”
  木子笑着问道:“Do you know what Margaret does for a living?(那你知道玛格丽特是干什么的吗?)”
  高晓飞摇了摇头,不好意思地笑道:“I don't know, just that she's the most successful woman in the world.(不知道,只知道她是世界上最成功的女人。)”
  木子笑道:“Seen cheeky, but I haven't seen you in such a thick skin, don't know, can you also move the somebody else brag, tell you the truth, Margaret, I was the queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway three countries, she set up a unified, Denmark, Sweden and Norway kalma alliance can say is the world's most successful woman.(见过厚脸皮的,可真没见过你这样厚脸皮的,不知道,可你居然还搬人家出来吹牛。告诉你吧,玛格丽特一世是丹麦、瑞典和挪威三个国家的女王,她建立了统一丹麦、瑞典和挪威的卡尔马同盟,可以说得上是世界上最成功的女人。)”
  高晓飞吓了一大跳:“My God, what a tough woman to be queen of three countries.(我的天,一个人就做三个国家的女王,这女人得有多强悍呀。)”
  米里亚娜笑道:“According to the record, Margaret was quite a beauty.(据记载,玛格丽特可是个大美女。)”
  “What about the beauty? If the man marries her, he'll have a hard time(大美女又怎样?要是哪个男人娶了她,肯定有他苦头吃的。)”高晓飞摇着头说道。
  高晓飞走到圆桶前,伸手推了推,感觉很重的样子,连忙喊道:“It feels heavy. It must be full of treasure.(手感很重,里面肯定装满了宝贝。)”
  凯丽笑了笑,对着圆桶踢了一脚,说道:“What feels heavy? It's the ice that has frozen the drum and the bottom plate together.(什么手感很重,是结冰把圆桶和底板冻在了一起。)”
  木子笑道:“The fairy! You're too confused to wake someone up from their dream of getting rich.(仙女!你也太不解风情了,干吗要把人家的发财梦吵醒。)”
  高晓飞笑道:“Yes, as the saying goes, see through is not broken, point through is not broken, no matter what, always reason, but I am the most reasonable person.(对啊,正所谓看破不点破,点破不说破,不管什么事,总得讲道理,但我偏偏又是最讲道理的人。)”
  凯丽道:“Yes, you are the most reasonable person, the whole world of reason, all gathered in your hand on the ice axe.(是了是了,你是最讲道理的人,全天下的道理啊,都聚集在你手中的冰镐上了。)”
  “There is truth in that.(这话有道理。)”高晓飞不理会她们取笑,手一挥,举着冰镐就往圆桶盖上砸了下去,只听得“啪啪啪”几声响,把上面的木盖子砸烂了。
  “What is it? It's not a black gem, is it?(什么东西?不会是黑宝石吧?)”高晓飞凑近了看。
  “Well, that's a pretty good idea.(你想得太过美好了。)”凯丽忍不住好笑。
  “The fairy! Think of good things.(仙女!美好的事情一定要多想。)”高晓飞说着,把冰镐伸下去拨动了一下,感觉到那些颗粒似乎很轻,应该不是石头,当然更不会是黑宝石。
  萧问天伸手下去,抓了一把颗粒出来。那些黑颗粒已被冻得坚硬异常,但手感却不沉重;用力捏了捏,却捏不碎。他凑近了细细分辨,又伸近了鼻子闻了闻,分析道:“It was supposed to be a cash crop, the grain of the ship, black with age, but not rotten because of the ice.(这应该是一种经济作物,是船上所带的粮食,只是年代久远而变成了黑色;但由于在冰封的环境之下,所以并没有腐烂。)”
  凯丽疑惑道:“Food crops, what the hell is that?(粮食作物,那到底是什么?)”
  萧问天把手上的颗粒丢进圆桶,把一粒颗粒放平了,接过高晓飞手上的冰镐,轻轻一敲,黑颗粒被敲成了两半。他拿起来仔细观察了一会,说道:“This should be peanuts.(这应该是花生。)”
  高晓飞问道:“Are peanuts this small?(花生有这么小的吗?)”
  木子说道:“It is not yet certain how old the ship was, but if it really is Noah's Ark, it is remarkable that the ancient humans could grow peanuts of this size.(现在还确定不了这古船的年代,假如这艘古船真是传说中的诺亚方舟,古人类能培植出这么大的花生,已经是很了不起了。)”
  萧问天点头道:“What did our ancestors eat? This is a very defamatory topic, not only related to archaeology, but also involves anthropology, biological evolution, agriculture and other disciplines; Because human evolution was dynamic, and the diets of our ancestors were dynamic, so things change with the dynamics.(人类的祖先吃什么?这是一个十分谤人的话题,不仅事关考古,也涉及到人类学、生物进化、农业等多学科;由于人类的进化是动态的,人类祖先的饮食也是动态的,所以,事物也都会随着动态而发生变化。)”
  米里亚娜笑道:“Xiao-fei gao! Do you think that our ancestors went to the supermarket to buy food just like modern people do today?(高晓飞!你是不是认为,人类的祖先也像今天的现代人一样到超市里买食物。)”
  高晓飞哑然失笑,摇头道:“I can't imagine that.(这个不敢想。)”
  木子笑道:“As long as it's food, I dare to think.(只要是吃的,我就敢想。)”
  高晓飞道:“You're a big foodie, but I'm not.(你本来就是个超级吃货,我可没这境界。)”
  木子一笑,说道:“Have you ever heard such a phrase? The beautiful skin is the same, the appetite of the soul of one in ten thousand.(听说过这样一句话吗?好看的皮囊千篇一律,有食欲的灵魂万里挑一。)”
  高晓飞笑道:“Foodie, super foodie, beautiful super foodie.(吃货,超级吃货,漂亮的超级吃货。)”
  萧问天也不禁一笑,说道:“According to archaeological records, the earliest ancient economic crops are wheat, and peanuts, in ancient Egypt's stone carving mural, already has a record of the cultivation of wheat, people from the ancient Egyptian pyramid has also been identified in the brick joints of wheat, according to archaeologists, around ten thousand years ago, when the human is living in a cave, began to the wild wheat as a food.(据考古记载,古人类最早种植的经济作物是小麦和花生。在古埃及的石刻壁画中,就已经有栽培小麦的记载。人们从古埃及金字塔的砖缝里也发现了小麦。据考古学家研究,大约在一万年前,当人类还住在洞穴里的时候,就开始把野生的小麦当作食物了。)”
  萧问天见没找到什么有价值的线索,只得说道:“Let's go to the other room.(我们到另外的房间去看看。)”
  众人进得房内,眼光随着手电光照搜索。萧问天仔细观察,忽然“嗯”了一声,走近木板墙,伸手抹了几下,抹去墙上的冰霜,露出了刻在木板墙上的划痕。他惊喜交加,又继续抹了几抹,忍不住说道:“Is the mural.(是壁画。)”
  “Go and take a look at the rest of the wall.(去把另外的墙面都抹开来看看。)”萧问天话一说完,又继续细看。
  “What are these things? I don't think that's very professional.(这刻的都是什么呀?好像都不太专业嘛。)”高晓飞看着凌乱不堪的壁画,眼光中尽是疑惑。
  “These are random references to the time of the flood and the days of rafting in the ark, as if you were looking at your phone when you were bored on a boat.(这都是一些反映当时洪水到来之时,和方舟漂流日子中的随意记载,就好像你坐船无聊了看手机的状态是一样的。)”萧问天看着壁画解释。
  高晓飞摇了摇头,惊叹道:“They have no mobile phones, no Kuaishou, no Tiktok, and no games. It must be boring!(他们没有手机,没有快手,没有抖音,更没有游戏,肯定无聊死了!)”
  木子道:“It's a lot to worry about, thinking so much about the ancients.(真够操心的,居然替古人想得这么多。)”
  萧问天笑道:“Not necessarily the ancients, but prehistoric hominins.(不一定是古人,应该叫史前古人类。)”
  “The boss! Did you decipher the contents of the mural?(老大!您是破译了壁画的内容吗?)”米里亚娜连忙问道。
  “This is not complicated, are some casual, should be the owner of the room in order to remember what happened in those days, so specially engraved up.(这并不复杂,都是一些随手之作,应该是房间主人为了记住那些日子中所发生的事,所以专门刻上去的。)”萧问天又接着解释。
  高晓飞苦笑道:“That's a lot of engraving, what a boring person this house must be.(居然刻了这么多,住这房子的人得有多无聊啊。)”
  米里亚娜连忙问道:“The boss! Is there a time record?(老大!有没有时间上的记载?)”
  “None have been found so far.(目前并没有发现。)”萧问天摇了摇头,“I'll take a look at the murals, and you guys open all the doors to the other rooms, wipe all the frost off the walls, see how many murals there are, and remember, try not to damage anything.(我慢慢来看壁画,你们去把另外房间的门都打开,把墙壁上的冰霜都抹干净,看看有多少壁画。记住,尽量不要损坏东西。)”
  四人进得房去,凯丽伸手抹了抹墙上的冰花,说道:“There are also mural symbols.(这里也有壁画符号。)”
  高晓飞连忙说道:“You three beautiful ladies smear the walls while I open the other room.(你们三大美女在这里抹墙,我去打开别的房间。)”
  凯丽说道:“You don't want to barge in and get too far away.(你可千万不要乱闯乱撞地跑远了。)”
  米里亚娜笑道:“We're gonna split up into two groups, Callie! You and Gao Xiaofei together, Muzi and I can stay here.(我们分成两组,凯丽!你和高晓飞一起,我和木子在这里就可以了。)”
  木子一笑,对着凯丽一眨眼,说道:“Go ahead, save you any worries, but don't do anything bad.(去吧,省得你不放心,但千万别做坏事。)”
  “That's what makes you bad.(你色心太重,才会做坏事。)”凯丽一笑,跟着高晓飞出去了。
  萧问天点头问道:“What else did you find?(还有什么另外的发现吗?)”
  高晓飞摇了摇头:“Nothing but murals.(除了壁画,什么也没有。)”
  米里亚娜问道:“The boss! What do these murals say in general?(老大!这些壁画上的大致内容都说了些什么?)”
  萧问天道:“Murals on the content is not complicated, puts it, really is the legendary Noah's ark, this also confirmed our speculation, more confirmed the authenticity of the legend, just on the mural symbols look not to understand, also won't be able to know the time and specific content, according to western theology of the bible. Genesis records, the story of Noah's ark just happened 6000 years ago, But this ice ark, it's not 6,000 years old, it's 60 million years old, it's more than 60 million years old, because it's the only time that the Antarctic is not completely frozen, that ships can sail, that can explain why this ship is frozen here.(壁画上的内容并不复杂,所说的,的确就是传说中的诺亚方舟,这也证实了我们的推测,更证实了传说的真实性。只是壁画上的符号看不懂,也就无法知道时间和具体的内容。可根据西方神学《圣经·创世纪》中的记载,诺亚方舟的故事只是发生在6000年以前的,但现在这艘被冰封的方舟,它存在的历史可远远不止6000年,而是远在6000万年以上,甚至更久远。因为,只有达到了这个时间,南极上才没有被完全冰封,船舶才可以航行,才能够解释这艘船为什么被冰封在这里。)”
  木子靠近去看了一会,摇了摇头,疑惑地说道:“So what do these symbols mean? Is it a kind of writing? And if it's written, what does it say?(那这些符号到底表示了什么?是否就是一种文字?如果是文字,那它记载的又是什么内容?)”
  高晓飞笑道:“What kind of writing? These are the legendary ghost characters.(什么狗屁文字?这都是传说中的鬼画符。)”
  萧问天摇了摇头:“Muzi IS RIGHT, THIS SHOULD BE THE TEXT CHARACTER, BUT THESE symbols and we have seen the ancient characters are not the same, no doubt in a book, no clue!(木子说得对,这应该就是文字符,但这些符号和我们所见过的上古字符都不一样,无异于就是一部天书,毫无头绪!)”
  木子道:“The earliest writing origin of human civilization on Earth should belong tohieroglyphics. However, since modern times, there have been a lot of speculation in the western archaeological circles that hieroglyphics originated from Sumerian civilization, which migrated east to China and then brought hieroglyphics to China, and lit up the Chinese civilization.(地球上人类文明最早的文字起源应该属于象形文,但是近代以来,西方考古界就有很多猜测,说象形文最早起源于苏美尔文明,是苏美尔人东迁到中国,然后给中国带来了象形文字,并点亮了中华文明。)”
  萧问天感叹道:“An important evidence for this point of view is that western archaeology believes that Sumerian civilization has the world's oldest hieroglyphics, from the perspective of time, Sumerian should be the influence of China, Sumerian script is the ultimate source of oracle bone inscriptions; However, in the 1980s, there was archaeological evidence to prove that the Chinese script was earlier than the Sumerian script. So if there must be a connection between Sumerian writing and Chinese writing, it is not so much that China learned Sumerian hieroglyphics as that Sumerian hieroglyphics learned from China.(这个观点的一个重要证据,在于西方考古界认为苏美尔文明有着世界上最古老的象形文字,从时间上看,应该是苏美尔影响了中国,苏美尔文字是甲骨文的终极源头;但是,在上个世纪80年代,已有考古证据证明中国文字早于苏美尔文字;所以,如果一定要说苏美尔文字与中国文字之间存在联系,那么与其说中国学习了苏美尔的象形文字,不如说苏美尔向中国学习了象形文字。)”
  凯丽看着墙上壁画配置的符号,说道:“These symbols are not hieroglyphics at all, but they look very mature, certainly older than hieroglyphics.(可这些符号却没有一点象形文字的影子,但看起来又很成熟的样子,肯定相比象形文还要久远。)”
  萧问天道:“There are five ancient civilizations in the world, except China, the other four have created and used hieroglyphic characters, and all earlier than the oracle bone inscriptions.(世界上有五大文明古国,除了中国之外,另外的四个都曾经创造与使用过象形文字,且都比甲骨文要早。)”
  萧问天感慨道:“With Chinese and foreign archaeologists speculate that, just like that: through the prairie, the silk road, prehistoric existing economic, trade and cultural exchange between east and west, so, the truth is probably through the prairie, the silk road, Chinese original hieroglyphs spread to the west, the Sumerian or learn Chinese hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, and then on this basis, formed their own words; According to the archaeological evidence so far, Chinese writing has a history of at least 7,300 or even 8,000 years, which can be said to be the oldest writing in the world, 2000 years earlier than the Sumerian cuneiform script and 300 years earlier than the Sumerian inscriptions. Therefore, it is impossible that Chinese writing was imported from Sumerian or ancient Egypt.(有中外考古学家就这样推测:通过草原丝绸之路,史前东西方存在经贸文化交流,所以,真相极有可能是通过草原丝绸之路,中国原始象形文字传播到了西方,苏美尔或古埃及学习了中国象形文字,然后在此基础上形成了自己的文字;就迄今为止的考古证据来说,中国文字史至少已有7300年,甚至已有8000年,可以说是世界上最古老的文字,比苏美尔楔形文字早了2000年,比苏美尔刻符早了300年,因此,中国文字绝不可能是从苏美尔或古埃及等文明古国进口而来。)”
  木子点了点头,说道:“However, the symbols on these frescoes are neither Chinese hieroglyphs, nor the symbols of Sumerian or other ancient civilizations. It can even be said that they do not belong to the source of contemporary civilization, let alone come from the hands of contemporary civilization.(但这些壁画上的符号,既不是中国的象形文,更不是苏美尔或其他几个文明古国的文字符号,甚至可以说,这不属于当代文明之源,更不是出自当代文明之手。)”
  米里亚娜一听,忍不住低声惊呼道:“Oh my god! Is it true that there was a prehistoric civilization on Earth?(天哪!难道,地球上真的有过史前文明?)”
  木子道:“If the Earth really has existed for more than five billion years, the human beings on Earth must have had more than one civilization.(如果地球真的已经存在了50多亿年,而地球上的人类肯定就不止只有一次文明。)”
  凯丽道:“We have found many clues about prehistoric civilization, and we have discussed them many times before, and this time we are more certain of their authenticity.(关于史前文明,我们曾经发现过很多的线索,也探讨过很多次了,这一次就更加确定了真实性。)”
  高晓飞疑惑地说道:“However, if the story of Noah's Ark only happened 6,000 years ago according to the book of Genesis in the Bible, it does not coincide with the time of this ark, and the difference is huge. Why?(可是如果按照《圣经·创世纪》中的记载,诺亚方舟的故事只是发生在6000万年以前的,和这艘方舟的时间并不吻合,而且相差巨大,这又是什么原因?)”
  木子道:“Another problem is that the legend of Noah's Ark could not have happened twice. If the age of the ark is a masterpiece of prehistoric civilization, what does the account of Noah's Ark in the Book of Genesis show? How did that get out?(还有一个问题,诺亚方舟的传说不可能发生过两次,如果说这艘方舟的年代属于史前文明的杰作,那么在《圣经·创世纪》中所记载的诺亚方舟又说明了什么?那又是怎么流传出来的呢?)”
  萧问天思索了一会,这才说道:“If the ark is really the work of a prehistoric civilization, there is only one explanation: the people on the ark survived the great flood, went out of the Antarctic again, and left fresco clues somewhere on the Earth, which were found, modified and handed down to modern civilization. Later it was recorded as a story in the Bible. Genesis, so there is the legend of Noah's ark.(假如说,这艘方舟真是史前文明的杰作,就只有一种解释,当时方舟上的人逃过了大洪水灾难,而且再次走出了南极,在地球上某个地方留下了壁画线索,到了当今的人类文明,却被人们发现,经过一系列的修改并流传了下来,后来又被当成了故事记载到了《圣经·创世纪》当中,所以就有了诺亚方舟的传说。)”
  凯丽点了点头,说道:“That's probably the best explanation, but I can't think of anything else.(这应该是最好的解释了,反正我是想不出另外的了。)”
  木子道:“So, the Ark legend originated from prehistoric civilization, and modern civilization has only kept the general content of the legend, and the man Noah should be only an artistic virtual character, the soul of the legend, which makes the story sound more fascinating.(这么说,方舟的传说源自于史前文明,而当代文明只是保留了传说中的大致内容;至于诺亚这个人,应该只是一个艺术加工的虚拟人物,是这个传说中的灵魂所在,让故事听起来更加引人入胜。)”
  凯丽点头说道:“Yes, if it is recorded in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, it took Noah 120 years to build the ark, which can't be done by a single generation. This is the so-called fairy tale.(对,如果按《圣经·创世纪》中的记载,诺亚建造方舟就用了120年,单靠一代人肯定是做不到的,这就是所谓的神话故事了。)”
  米里亚娜点了点头,感叹道:“This is indeed the best explanation, but who would have thought that the legendary Noah's Ark, the clue came from a prehistoric myth.(这个的确是最好的解释,可世人谁又会想到,传说中的诺亚方舟,线索却只是来自于一个史前神话?)”
  “History has left us a lot of unexplained strange phenomena, or through things, these mysterious objects hidden behind the story, but modern civilization can not explore!(历史给我们留下了很多无法解释的奇异现象,或穿越之物,这些神秘物体背后所隐藏的故事,却是现代文明所不能勘破的!)”萧问天感叹着说道,“If our speculation is true, then tens of millions of years of prehistoric myths, even hundreds of millions of years, thanks to the Antarctic ice history, the legendary Noah's Ark can be preserved today.(如果我们的推测成立,那么历经几千万年甚至几亿年之久的史前神话,就是得益于南极被冰封的历史,这艘传说中的诺亚方舟才能够保存至今。)”
  “The boss! So what do we do next?(老大!那我们接下来该怎么做?)”米里亚娜问道。
  “Let's take pictures of the mural clues on this floor first and save them.(我们先把这一层的壁画线索拍照保存吧。)”萧问天指着墙上的壁画说。
  萧问天看着下层的入口,说道:“The mural will be explored later. Let's go down to the middle and lower floors to see what else we can find.(壁画慢慢再探讨,我们先下去探一探中层和下层,看看还有什么线索。)”
  一行五人小心翼翼地下了木梯,只感觉下面更加阴沉,一股股的寒气钻进防寒服,直透肌肤。高晓飞拿着冰镐走在前面,轻声说道:“The house below has no door.(下面的房子没有门。)”
  萧问天道:“A house with a door on the upper level is inhabited by people. This floor should be inhabited by animals, so there is no need for a door.(上层有门的房子是人住的,这一层应该都是动物住的,所以不需要门。)”
  米里亚娜听得他们说中文,却又听不懂,忍不住问道:“Well, what are you talking about?(嗯,你们在说什么?)”
  高晓飞装作一本正经地说道:“We discussed whether beautiful women in prehistoric humans could have been as sexy as Brazilian women.(我们讨论说,史前人类中的美女会不会也像巴西美女一样性感迷人。)”
  米里亚娜看了看木子,又看了看凯丽,最后看着高晓飞说道:“I believe you when you say you're thinking about beautiful women, but I believe you when you say you're talking about beautiful women.(你说你心里想着美女我相信,可你说在和她们谈论美女,我信你个鬼。)”
  “Don't believe me.(不信拉倒。)”高晓飞一笑,对着米里亚娜甩了甩手。
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