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作品名称:最后的秘境七:天火燎原      作者:谷主      发布时间:2020-07-08 20:54:02      字数:14905

  “What's the matter with little handsome?(小帅怎么了?)”高晓飞紧张地问道。
  “Small handsome in order to save me, by the bad guy strangled the neck.(小帅为了救我,被坏人掐伤了脖子。)”雌鹦鹉回答着。
  “A: hi! The hero saves the beauty! So brave!(嗨!英雄救美啊!真勇敢!)”高晓飞赞扬一声,对着雄鹦鹉一竖大拇指。
  凯丽笑道:“The handsome boy is injured, the handsome boy is injured, you two handsome boys have a good rest, don't run around.(大帅哥受伤了,小帅哥也受伤了,你们两个帅哥就好好休息,不许乱跑乱动。)”凯丽让高晓飞坐了下来,把雄鹦鹉轻轻地放在他的身边。
  雄鹦鹉“啊啊”叫了两声,开口说道:“I'll just have a rest.(我休息一会就好了。)”
  雌鹦鹉飞到高晓飞的肩膀上,对着他的耳边说:“I won't be with you for long.(陪不了你多久的。)”
  凯丽笑着拍了拍高晓飞的肩膀,说:“So, you need to get better as soon as possible.(所以呢,你要尽快地好起来哦。)”
  高晓飞看着凯丽,苦笑道:“The fairy! How do I see you three sounding more and more alike?(仙女!我怎么发现你们三个的口吻越来越相似了?)”
  布莱特看着凯丽笑道:“What he means is, you're talking like a bird!(他的意思是说,你在说鸟话呢!)”
  哪知凯丽和高晓飞异口同声地冲着他吼道:“What is it to you? Roll.(关你什么事?滚。)”
  布莱特两手一摊,耸了耸肩膀,感叹道:“Well! This is really a lover forget elder brother!(嗯!这真是有了情郎忘了哥!)”
  萧问天正式给艾伦博士介绍了环保联盟小队的队员,又给她简单描述了一遍进入亚马逊途中的经过,感叹道:“The Dangers of the Amazon rainforest are everywhere, and we wouldn't be here without The help of Pretty and the black and white apes!(亚马逊雨林的危险无处不在,要是没有小美小帅和黑白二猿的帮助,我们根本到不了这里!)”
  艾伦博士深为感动:“The protection of the Amazon rainforest is the responsibility of every living creature on earth. The harmonious coexistence between human beings and animals is directly related to the ecological balance of the whole earth!(保护亚马逊雨林,是每一个地球生灵都应有的责任,人与动物的和谐相处,更是直接关系到整个地球的生态平衡!)”
  艾伦博士看着天边的夕阳,感叹了一声,这才缓缓地说道:“As a doctor of geology, I have a deep research on petroleum, coal, metals, nonmetals and other mineral resources. I also have a deep understanding of the material composition, internal structure, external characteristics of the Earth, and the interaction and evolution history between layers.Because of this, three years ago, they start to look for me, said high reward for me, let me work for them, to know the nature of their organization, after I refused without hesitation, but unexpectedly, they put all of my family, and to threaten me, said that as long as I work for them for four years time, can let me go back and family reunions, also can give us a lot of money.I had no choice but to be taken to the Amazon base;Later, I paid off a man at the base and learned that my family had been killed by them three years before...(我是一个地质学博士,对石油、煤炭、金属、非金属等矿产资源有着很深的研究,对于地球的物质组成、内部构造、外部特征、各层圈之间的相互作用和演变历史也了解很深。正因为如此,三年前,他们就开始来找我,说给我高额的报酬,让我为他们工作。知道他们组织的性质之后,我毫不犹豫就拒绝了。可没想到,他们竟然把我的家人全部抓走,并以此来威胁我,说只要我为他们工作四年时间,就可以放我回去和家人团聚,还可以给我们一大笔的钱。我毫无选择,就这样被他们带到了亚马逊基地;后来,我买通一个基地里的人,才得知我的家人在三年前就被他们杀害了……)”她伤心欲绝,哽咽着再也说不下去,忍不住失声哭了出来。
  艾伦博士只哭了一会,擦干眼泪,仰头说道:“I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, don't you?(我知道,你们还有很多的疑问想要问我,不是吗?)”
  “Yes.(是的。)”萧问天点了点头说,“Who is the man catching the parrot today?(今天抓鹦鹉那个是什么人?)”
  艾伦博士愤然说道:“He's a devil. He's in charge of keeping an eye on some of our technicians at the base.(他是个魔鬼,在基地里专门负责监视我们几个技术人员。)”
  米里亚娜插话说:“He pulled out a pistol today, but it was pointed at you. Why?(他今天拔出手枪,枪口却是指向你,为什么?)”她想起了那人拔出手枪的瞬间,第一时间并不是想举枪反抗还击,而是把枪口指向了趴在地上的艾伦博士。
  “Thank you very much today. If you hadn't fired in time, I would have been dead!(今天真得谢谢你们,要不是你们及时开枪,我就已经死了!)”艾伦博士点了点头,叹息了一声说道,“I've always wanted revenge, and they all know it, and they've always been on their guard against me. It's just that I'm still useful, and they can't find a better person to replace me, so they've been trying not to kill me.(我一直都想着报仇,他们也都知道,也一直都防着我,只是因为我还有利用价值,也找不到更合适的人接替我,所以才一直忍着不杀我,外表上对我也很尊重,但如果有什么变故,他们就会第一时间杀了我。)”
  艾伦博士看着腾空而起的火焰,愤然地说道:“I have sworn to fight them as long as I live, as long as There is breath left in me!(我发过誓,只要我活着,只要我还有一口气在,我就要和他们斗下去!)”
  问天轻轻地叹息了一声,问道:“Who are their bosses? Have you ever seen one?(那他们的老板是谁?你见过吗?)”
  艾伦博士摇了摇头,又非常肯定地说:“I knew he was a national politician, but I had never seen him, but I sensed that he was often at the base.(我知道幕后操纵者是一名国家政要,但我没见过,可我感觉到,他也经常在基地里。)”
  布莱特问道:“Who are you after?(那你找谁报仇?)”
  “These demons, they ruined my life!(这些魔鬼,是他们把我的一生都毁了!)”艾伦博士狠狠地说道,“I once thought about blowing up the base and dying with them, but I never succeeded!(我曾经想过要把基地炸毁,和他们同归于尽,可惜一直都没有成功!)”
  高晓飞忍不住惊呼:“So crazy, with personality!(这么疯狂,有个性!)”
  艾伦博士伤感地叹道:“I was in the base with demons, a full three years, these three years, I always thought of revenge, thinking of dying with them!Had it not been for the conviction of revenge, I should have had no courage to live!(我在基地里与魔为伍,整整过了三年。这三年来,我每时每刻都想着报仇,想着与他们同归于尽!如果不是报仇的信念支撑着,根本就没有活下去的勇气!)”
  凯丽忽然问道:“What are they looking for, setting up a base deep in the Amazon rainforest?(他们费尽心机,在亚马逊雨林的深处建立基地,到底在寻找什么?)”
  艾伦博士反问道:“If you don't know, what are you doing risking your life to go deep into the Amazon rainforest?(要是你们不知道,那你们冒着生命危险深入亚马逊雨林的深处,目的又是什么?)”
  米里亚娜说道:“Our information is not very accurate, there are a lot of elements based on speculation, so, deep in the Amazon rainforest, could there really be a fabled golden empire?(我们的消息并不是十分准确,有很多的成分都是靠推测。这么说,亚马逊雨林的深处,难道,真存在着传说中的黄金帝国?)”
  艾伦博士点了点头,说:“Legend has always been true, just, the folk has been the legend as legend!(传说一直都是真的,只不过,民间一直把传说当成是传说而已!)”
  “Thank you!(谢谢!)”艾伦博士接过来喝了一口,继续说道,“You all know the Inca Empire, right?(印加帝国,你们应该都了解了吧?)”
  米里亚娜点头回答:“I know that, but I don't know much about the Gold Empire.(这个了解,但黄金帝国却了解不多。)”
  艾伦博士又喝了一口啤酒,说道,“The Golden Empire, of course, was also associated with the Inca Empire...(黄金帝国,当然,也是和印加帝国联系在一起的……)”
  听完了艾伦博士对黄金帝国的描述,高晓飞忍不住问道:“Are we now sitting where legend has it we have more turquoise stones?(难道,我们现在坐在传说中所指的、拥有更多蓝绿色小石头的地方?)”
  艾伦博士点了点头:“You're right!The base had found the site only a year earlier, but it had already been settled by a tribe, which had later dispersed in an effort to drive the tribe out.(你说对了!基地是在一年前才找到了这个地方,只是这里已经驻扎了一个部落,后来,他们为了把部落赶走,这才分散了力量。)”
  萧问天一直都在默默地沉思着,忽然问道:“So they must have found the fabled golden empire?(这么说,他们应该是已经找到了传说中的黄金帝国?)”
  艾伦博士缓缓地点了点头,说道:“Yes, but the gold Empire is gone, and what they found, to be exact, was the hidden treasure-house of the gold Empire, which is treasure.(是的,但黄金帝国已经是不复存在了;准确地说,他们找到的,是黄金帝国的藏宝库,也就是宝藏。)”
  “Oh my god!The legend of the Golden Empire is not only true, but they have found it!(天哪!黄金帝国的传说不但是真的,而且他们真的找到了!)”众人忍不住轻声惊呼。
  艾伦博士说道:“The treasure was hidden in the Grand Canyon, and had been identified, and the base was built opposite the Grand Canyon;But they tried many ways, and could not find the entrance to the canyon;If it hadn't been for the discovery of the gems here, which scattered the manpower, the Grand Canyon would have been blown up by now, and I don't know how much rainforest would have been burned up!(宝藏就隐藏在大峡谷里,而且已经确定了,基地也建在了大峡谷的对面;但他们尝试了很多种的方法,根本就找不到进去峡谷的入口。要不是发现了这边的宝石,分散了人力,现如今已经是炸毁了大峡谷,还不知道要烧光多大面积的雨林!)”
  “The treasure is in the Grand Canyon?(宝藏就在大峡谷里?)”众人齐声惊叹。
  “Sure enough, the records say that just before the fall of the golden Empire, the people dug the Grand Canyon, hid the gold and gems in the canyon, and placed spirits and beasts to guard them, then set up a mechanism and disappeared from the world.(千真万确。记载里说,就在黄金帝国惨遭灭亡之前,国民凿开大峡谷,把黄金宝石藏进了峡谷,还安放了灵兽守护,然后布下机关,从此就在世间消失。)”
  “And spirit beast, what spirit beast?(还有灵兽守护,是什么灵兽?)”
  艾伦博士摇了摇头:“I don't know. That's what the record says.(这就不知道了,记载上只是这么写的。)”
  问天又问:“How many people are there in the base?(基地里一共有多少人?)”
  艾伦博士想了想,说道:“There are more than one hundred people in the whole base, more than a dozen of them are members of the base, 35 armed men including mercenaries, of whom ten are black wolves and a dozen technicians, and the rest are loggers and miscellaneous men.(整个基地有一百多人,有十几个是基地成员,武装人员包括了雇佣兵有三十五人,其中有十个是黑狼的人,还有十几个技术人员,剩下的都是伐木工和打杂的。)”
  高晓飞吹出一口气,说道:“A lot of people!(人不少啊!)”
  艾伦博士说道:“Counting the five on the gunship at the beginning, the mercenary ping has lost more than half. Moreover, the ten worst mercenaries in the Black Wolf mercenary regiment have been killed by you. The rest are scattered.(算上当初武装直升机上的五个,雇佣乒已经损失过半;而且,黑狼雇佣军团里十个最厉害的雇佣兵都已经死在了你们的手里,剩下的也就是一盘散沙。)”
  萧问天摇了摇头,感叹着说道:“Our purpose here is not to have a war with them, still less to destroy them, but to get evidence of their crimes, let the law to punish them;But all the way, but also had to fight all the way over, backfired ah!Fortunately, we are still able to preserve our strength!(我们过来的目的,并不是要和他们发生战争,更不是想要消灭他们,而是要拿到他们的犯罪证据,让法律去制裁他们;可这一路走来,却也是不得已一路打了过来,事与愿违啊!好在我们至今还能够保存实力!)”
  艾伦博士苦笑着摇了摇头,叹息道:“The law, the law doesn't punish them. Do you know how much forest they burned?Do you know how many people they killed?In Brazil, in Peru, in Colombia, the so-called law does not work for them!The only way to solve this problem is to destroy the base and eliminate them all.(法律?法律根本就制裁不了他们,你知道他们烧毁了多少森林吗?又知道他们杀了多少人吗?在巴西,在秘鲁,在哥伦比亚,所谓的法律对于他们来说,根本就不起作用!只有摧毁基地,把他们都消灭了,才能够解决问题。)”
  问天大声说道:“But have you ever thought about it?There are a lot of people in the base that they threaten to kidnap like you. Are you going to blow them up and burn them?Are they all to die?They like you miss home, miss their relatives, more want to go home and family reunion!(可是你想过吗?基地里也有很多像你一样被他们威胁绑架过来的人,难道把他们也全部炸死烧死吗?难道,他们就都该死吗?他们像你一样想家、想亲人,更想着回家与亲人团聚!)”
  “I'm sorry! I'm sorry!(对不起!对不起!)”艾伦博士悲从中来,连忙说道,“I'm the one who's obsessed with revenge. I'm sorry!(是我一心只想着报仇了,对不起!)”
  萧问天轻轻地拍了拍她的肩膀,说道:“B: Don't worry. Let's think it over.(放心吧,我们再想想办法。)”
  米里亚娜说道:“The boss!Sometimes violence is the best way to deal with it.(老大!有的时候,以暴制暴也是一种最好的解决方法。)”
  问天感叹道:“I know that. Besides, they kill so many people, and the evil they do is unforgivable, even if they are broken into pieces.But kill a thousand enemies, also will lose eight hundred, there will be casualties in the war, I don't want to see any one of us hurt, more don't want to lose you, and those innocent people in the base!(这个我知道,而且,他们杀人如麻、坏事做绝,也是不可饶恕,就算是把他们碎尸万段也不为过;但有战争就会有伤亡,杀敌一千,也会自损八百,我不想看到我们之中的任何一个人受到伤害,更不想失去你们,还有基地里那些无辜的人!)”
  米里亚娜说道:“If only to get their criminal evidence, this should not be very difficult, but if it is to save the innocent people in the base, it is not easy!(如果仅仅是要拿到他们的犯罪证据,这应该不是很难,但如果是想把基地里面无辜的人都救出来的话,那可就不容易了!)”
  问天叹息道:“Even if it is difficult, we should try to rescue them, otherwise, we will lose the significance of going deep into the Amazon this time!(就算是难,也要设法把他们解救出来;要不然的话,也就失去了这次深入亚马逊的意义!)”
  艾伦博士道:“The establishment of such a base, in addition to money, before and after the need for several years of time, so that only the base is completely destroyed, can prevent them from continuing to commit crimes, do not eliminate them completely, this criminal phenomenon will never stop, the lung of the earth will be endless destruction!(建立一个这样的基地,除了金钱之外,前后需要好几年的时间。所以说,只有把基地彻底摧毁,才能够阻止他们继续犯罪;不把他们彻底消灭,这种犯罪现象就会永不停止,地球之肺就会无休止地遭受破坏!)”
  问天思索着说道:“If we blow up the base, will it cause a forest fire?That's not worth the candle!(如果炸毁基地,会不会引起森林火灾?那就得不偿失了!)”
  艾伦博士摇了摇头:“There is a few hundred metres of open space around the base, and if it were just to blow it up, it would not cause a forest fire.(基地周围有着一圈几百米的空旷地带,如果仅仅是炸毁基地的话,应该不会引起森林火灾。)”
  问天点头道:“Good! But we still have to plan a foolproof solution.(好!,但我们还得先计划一个万全之策。)”
  高晓飞说道:“But there are so many of them. Where do we start?(可他们人太多了,我们该从哪下手?)”
  艾伦博士拿过背包,把里面的东西都倒了出来,拉开内部底下的夹屋,从里面拿出了一张折合着的白纸,打开一看,是一张三A的复印纸,却是一幅手工绘制的建筑图,递过给问天,说道:“This is the topographic map of the construction and surrounding environment of the base. It took me three years to draw it secretly.(这就是基地的建筑布防和周边环境的地形图,是我用了三年的时间,才偷偷绘制出来的。)”
  问天接过一看,大喜道:“That's great! With this drawing, we can agree on a plan!(这太好了,有了这份图纸,我们就可以议定计划了!)”
  艾伦博士问道:“So what are your plans?(那你有什么计划?)”
  问天微微一笑,说道:“Surprise attack.(奇袭。)”
  艾伦博士指着图纸介绍说:“Clearing is very smooth, is to rely on deforestation, the location of the base was built in the middle, opposite the river, across the river grand canyon, in front of the base of the left, right here, there is a high ground, although is not very high, but it can be saw the outline of the base, base on the right side of the field, there is a parking apron, the apron is separate with barbed wire, only a small discrepancy at the edge of the basic, but can climb in from the outside, inside had three helicopters, but the flying armed helicopter has been shot down, you will now be left in a transport plane and a small helicopter,Transporters are mercenaries who usually transport supplies, but are not used very often. The small helicopter is supposed to be the mastermind's private plane. As long as the plane is there, his men should be at the base.(这片空旷地非常平坦,是靠砍伐森林出来的,基地就建在中间的位置。对面就是河流,河流对面也就是大峡谷。在基地前左侧,就在这里,有一处制高点,虽然不是很高,但可以看到基地的全貌。基地右侧的空地上,有一个停机坪。停机坪是单独用铁丝网围起来的,只有一道小门从基地边出入,但可以从外围翻爬进去。里面本来有三架直升飞机,但那架武装直升机已经被你们击落了,现在就剩一架运输机和一架小型直升机。运输机是雇佣兵平时运送物资,但不是经常用;小型直升机应该就是幕后操纵者的私人飞机。只要飞机在,他的人就应该在基地。)”艾伦博士慢慢地加以讲解,大家很快就对基地的内外结构有了一定的了解。
  凯丽问道:“So how do we get in?(那我们又该怎样进去?)”
  艾伦博士说:“You can change into your mercenaries' knapsacks and come with me. Once we have the security room under control, we can split up.(你们可以换上雇佣兵行军背包里的衣服,随着我一同进去。只要控制了安保室,我们才可以分头行动。)”
  凯丽说道:“That's a good idea!(这倒是个好办法!)”
  艾伦博士指着图纸说道:“One thing to note is that the entire area is monitored. The security room is right next to the entrance to the base.But having lost more than a dozen mercenaries and killed the elite of the ten Black Wolves, the armed forces have been severely weakened.(有一点要注意,整片区域都安装了监控。安保室就在基地入门边,卫星干扰器的控制开关也在这里;但他们已经损失了十几个雇佣兵,而且十个黑狼军团的精英都尽数毙命,武装力量已经是大打折扣了。)”
  米里亚娜点了点头:“We'll start in the security room.(那我们就先从安保室下手。)”
  艾伦博士又说:“They are understaffed, with mercenaries tasked with monitoring workers and technicians, and a dozen base guards responsible for security at the base.(他们现在人手不足,雇佣兵主要的任务就是监视工人和技术人员,十几个基地保安则负责基地里的安保工作。)”
  问天又问道:“Do they have regular posts?(那他们平常设立有固定的岗哨点吗?)”
  艾伦博士摇了摇头说:“No, because it is located in the middle of the Amazon, it is not accessible to ordinary people, and there is round-the-clock monitoring, so they just patrol at will.(不设,因为这里地处亚马逊腹地,一般人可到不了这里,加上有二十四小时的监控,所以,他们都只是随意巡视而已。)”
  问天点了点头,说道:“Vick!Once inside, you disembark here, grab a Barrett M95 sniper rifle, and when we take control of the security room, you take the high ground and clear the way for us;Mirjana!You take control of the helicopter and get ready to take over;Brett!Just stay outside and take care of the speedboat. Water evacuation is our second option.Kelly!Iris!You and I will follow Dr. Allen into the security room.(晓飞!进去之后,你在这里下船,拿上巴雷特M95狙击步枪,等我们控制了安保室,你马上占据制高点,为我们清除障碍;米里亚娜!你去控制住运输直升机,做好接应的准备;布莱特!你就留在门外接应,同时看护好快艇,水路撤离是我们的第二方案;凯丽!艾瑞丝!你们和我随着艾伦博士进去,控制安保室。)”
  艾伦博士想了想,说道:“There is another question that must be addressed. If the boss is at the base, how many people will be around him?We don't know!(还有一个问题必须要重视,如果老板在基地的话,那他身边会有多少人我们不得而知!)”
  米里亚娜说道:“If it's a small helicopter like the one you described, it's usually five seats or less, let's say five, except for the pilot, four passengers.(如果像你描述的那种小型直升机,一般都是五座以下的。就算是五座吧,除了飞行员,可以坐四个乘客。)”
  问天点头道:“Then we'll play it by ear. We'll have a day off tomorrow, and we'll start early the day after tomorrow.(那我们就见机行事,明天休整一天,大家养好伤,后天一早出发。)”
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