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作品名称:最后的秘境七:天火燎原      作者:谷主      发布时间:2020-04-29 23:51:40      字数:15693

  “Mr Shaw! Are you worried about the potential danger in the rainforest?(萧先生!你是不是在担心雨林中潜在的危险?)”弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥从后面走了过来。
  “Danger is certain, but deep in the rainforest, fear is the greatest danger.(危险是必然的,但深入到雨林的深处,恐惧才是最危险的。)”萧问天转过身,和弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥一同向下走去。
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥看着问天说道:“Mr Shaw!These tea leaves, tea sets and the design here are all from China. I hope you like them.(萧先生!这些茶叶、茶具和这里的设计,无一不是来自中国,希望你能够喜欢。)”
  问天品尝了一杯茶水,点头道:“Thank you, Mr. Francisco franco, for your hospitality.In China, tea ceremony is also regarded as a kind of art of life, a kind of life etiquette with tea as the medium.The Chinese tea ceremony integrates philosophy into the spirit of the tea ceremony. The Chinese tea ceremony is full of deep love for nature and strong desire to return to nature and get close to nature.Therefore, the Chinese tea ceremony can best appreciate the echo of nature, to achieve the wonderful feeling of unity between man and nature.(谢谢弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥先生的盛情款待!在中国,茶道亦被视为一种生活艺术,一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪。中国茶道,是把哲学思想融入了茶道精神之中,心里充满着对大自然的无比热爱,有着回归自然、亲近自然的强烈渴望;所以,中国茶道最能领略到大自然的回声,达到天人合一的绝妙感受。)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥也品尝了一杯茶水,说道:“I have been to China, so I love the Chinese mahogany art, but also love the Chinese tea ceremony.(我到过中国,所以独爱中国的红木艺术,更爱上了中国茶道。)”
  问天笑道:“The Chinese art of tea ceremony can promote friendship by making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea and drinking tea.And, drink tea to be able to calm one's mind, quiet god, conduce to edify sentiment, get rid of miscellaneous thought.(中国的茶道艺术,可以通过沏茶、赏茶、闻茶、饮茶增进友谊,美心修德,学习礼法,领略传统美德,是很有益的一种和美仪式;而且,喝茶能静心、静神,有助于陶冶情操、去除杂念。)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥道:“The Chinese tea ceremony absorbed the essence of Confucianism and Taoism.Daoism injects the philosophy of "heaven, man and one" into the tea ceremony and sets up the soul of the tea ceremony.At the same time, it also provides the philosophical theory of advocating nature, advocating simplicity and human beings' survival and life.I wonder what Mr. Xiao thinks of the philosophical argument about the tea ceremony and the existence and death of human beings, as well as the status quo of human beings?(中国茶道吸收了儒、道思想的精华,道家的学说则为茶道注入了“天人和一”的哲学思想,树立了茶道的灵魂;同时还提供了崇尚自然,崇尚朴素和人类万物关于生存、生命的哲学理论。不知道萧先生怎么看待关于茶道与人类的生存死亡,还有人类现状的哲学思想论证?)”
  问天喝了一口茶,微微一笑,说道:“To understand the status quo of human survival, the first thing to know is, what is human?(要理清人类生死存亡的现状,首先就要清楚,人类是什么?)”
  布莱特耸了耸肩膀,笑道:“Humans, higher animals.(人类,高级动物。)”
  问天笑着摇了摇头,看着布莱特说道:“What is the higher animal?What's the difference between a duck and a chicken?In fact, this is just the human ego expansion of the words, the human even dare not face their own;So, not superior?Stop laughing and ask yourself, do you ever feel like an animal?Perhaps, how long has it been since you felt like an animal?(那高级动物是什么?跟鸡鸭的区别究竟在哪?其实,这只是人类自我膨胀的说法而已,人类就连正视自己都不敢,所以,说不上高级。你先别笑,问问自己,你有没有觉得自己是一只动物?或许,你多久不觉得自己是一只动物了?)”
  问天继续说道:“Stripped of that layer of hypocrisy, the present human, in fact, is a mean and selfish species, human society is not even as perfect as the ant;Have you ever seen ants rebel?Can you feel the selfishness of ants?The community of common destiny that mankind strives for has long been realized in species like ants!When I say this, does it feel like the worldview is collapsing?The human social system unexpectedly so low, despicable!What about the so-called superior?In fact, human even ants are not as good as, how to the high!Humans are just a small and stupid species, too small to know where they came from and where they are going?(剥去那层虚伪至极的外衣,现在的人类,其实就是一个低劣而又自私的物种,人类社会的完美程度甚至比不过蚂蚁。你们看到过蚂蚁造反吗?你能感受到蚂蚁的自私吗?人类努力奋斗的命运共同体在蚂蚁这样的物种里早就实现了!我这样说,是不是感觉世界观会崩塌?人类的社会体制居然如此的低级、卑劣!那么所谓的高级呢?其实,人类连蚂蚁都不如,又何来的高级!人类只是一个渺小并且愚蠢的物种,渺小到不知道自己从哪里来,最终将要去哪里?)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥问道:“Mr Shaw!In your opinion, how to define the future of mankind?(萧先生!依你之见,人类的未来,又该如何来界定?)”
  问天道:“This is we have to admit that you have to face the fact that man, whether an individual or as a whole, there are huge problems, human has kept the outbreak of the war, constantly manufacturing and man-made, assuming the world unify, is human to realize the full sense of peace, no longer need to soldiers, no longer arms race, no longer a zero-sum game, so even with today's technology, global human lead wealthy and happy day, absolutely is not a problem;This is the world of man, the world he has to face, the world he cannot escape;Life and death have always been there, the universe has never disappeared, all the mystery is just because of human ignorance!(这是我们不得不承认,也不得不面对的事实,人类无论是个体还是整体都存在巨大的问题,人类至今都还不断地爆发战争,不断地制造人祸。假设世界一统,人类实现完全意义上和平,不再需要军人,不再军备竞赛,不再零和博弈,那么就算以如今的科技水平,全球人类过上富裕安康的日子,绝对不是问题;这就是人类的世界,不得不面对的世界,无法逃避的世界;生存和死亡一直都在,宇宙从未消失,一切的神秘只是因为人类的无知罢了!)”
  问天举杯喝了一口茶,说道:“For the average atheist, death is the end of everything, is not to face and have to accept the helpless reality.And the so-called atheists, actually have faith, faith in science;Faith, even the invisible, untouchable, practical materialism, is the largest religion in the world today, not one of them, and it is absolutely dominant.(对于普通的无神论者来说,死亡就是一切的终点,是不敢面对又不得不坦然接受的无奈现实。而所谓的无神论者,其实都有信仰,信仰科学。信仰,就是看不见,也摸不着,而又实用的唯物主义,是当今世界上最大的宗教,没有之一,并且处于绝对的统治地位。)”
  问天:“No one likes his life to be controlled by others. Therefore, human beings never like the role of god and only want to be god themselves. It seems that there is only one way for human beings to explain everything and become everything.But as a small living body in the universe, do we have an accurate understanding of ourselves and the objective?Are humans really the smartest living things on earth?Are you really in the absolutely right cognitive state?Is it true that all human education from childhood is unbreakable truth?Is what people think in a geopolitical environment really good for world peace?Will the indoctrination of knowledge and ideas make human beings forget who they really are?(谁都不会喜欢自己的生命受到别人的操控,所以,人类从来都不喜欢‘神’这个角色,只想自己成为神,那么似乎留给人类的路只有一条,解释一切,成为一切。但做为宇宙渺小生命体的人类,是否对自己、对客观有着准确的认知呢?人类真的是地球上最聪明的生命体吗?真的处于绝对正确的认知状态吗?人类从小接受的教育真的全部都是颠之不破的真理吗?处在地缘政治环境中的人类,所思所想真的有益于世界和平吗?各种知识理念的灌输会不会让人类忘记了自己本来的样子?)”
  问天:“Darkness and light, life and death, all exist in the inner world of human beings at the same time. This is not a big blind spot.So, human beings should be able to live their own lives, can recognize the secrets of the world, because the truth is always there, just waiting to be discovered, like you can't look at the sun, it's all there.(阴暗与光明,生存与死亡,都同时存在于人类的内心世界里,这还不算什么大的认知盲区,上天给了人类一个可以随意编码的脑子;所以,人类应该可以活出自我,可以认清世界的秘密,因为真理一直存在,只是等待发现,就好像你看不看太阳,它都在那里。)”
  艾瑞丝点了点头,说道:“But human civilization deviated from the natural law, will only be doomed to extinction!(可人类文明偏离了自然法则,只会注定了要走向灭亡!)”
  “Yes!(是的!)”问天点头说道,“The existence of god, destroy human desire;Behind this terrifying slogan is the fact that human civilization has broken through the limits of the laws of nature. In the midst of chaos, human society has to find some seemingly orderly logic to support the development or harmony of the whole civilization.But what can be absolutely right for the human beings who are still small creatures in the universe, or for the human beings who are still small and low in the chaos of civilization?Slogans are useless, what the heart thinks is true, human beings can only face, not escape.(存天理,灭人欲;这个惊悚口号的背后是人类文明突破了自然规律的限制,在一片的混乱之中,人类社会不得不找点什么看起来比较有秩序的逻辑来支撑整个文明的发展或者和谐。但是,对于目前还是处于宇宙渺小生命体的人类,还是处于渺小的低级混乱文明的人类,能搞出什么绝对正确的东西呢?口号喊得响是没用的,内心怎么想才是真实的,人类只能面对,而不是逃避。)”
  艾瑞丝感慨着说:“Sometimes look at this world, see is full of emptiness, civilization?What is civilization anyway?What about the human environment?Where is the home of man?(有时候看这个琳琅的世界,看到的却满是空虚。文明?到底什么才是文明?人类的生存环境呢?人类的家又在哪里?)”
  问天又继续说道:“Unlike other known species of life on earth, which basically rely on their habits and genes to pass on the necessary and simple knowledge of survival, humans rely on civilization, which is undoubtedly the first state of existence in the entire history of life on earth.Under the shelter of this system of civilization, human beings have a rich and even secure material life that other species cannot match. Although this system may sometimes collapse, it is still a great progress of the whole living world towards order.This freed human beings from the savage and brutal laws of the jungle, and allowed them to use a civilization with a basic baseline to compete internally and externally for survival.(地球上已知其他生命物种基本依靠习性和基因来传承必要的、简单的生存知识,而人类则是依靠文明。对于整个地球生命历史来说,这无疑是破天荒的生存状态。在这份文明体系的庇护之下,人类拥有了其他物种无法企及的丰满乃至安全的物质生活,虽然这份体系有时候也会崩溃,但是这仍然是整个生命世界对秩序的一份伟大进步。这使人类脱离了野蛮而残酷的丛林法则,转而使用一种有基本底线的文明规矩展开内部或外部的生存竞争。)”
  艾瑞丝道:“But there is no doubt that life is hard without civilization, and if you look at the ravaging and killing of starving people in Africa, you will be amazed that even in a poor country, as long as there is a basic order, people can live, that is a good thing.(但毫无疑问,脱离了文明,生活是水深火热的。看看非洲那些个饥肠辘辘被肆意杀戮的饥民们,就会感叹,即使生活在贫穷的国家,只要有基本秩序可言,能够让人活下去,那才是美好的。)”
  问天点头道:“Yes, so, civilization needs the next step of evolution, and The Times are giving questions to human beings, each of whom is a test taker, to see who can successfully answer the questions.(是的,所以,文明需要下一步的进化,时代也正在给人类出题,每一个人都是考生,看看谁能够成功解答问题。)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥点头赞许,感叹道:“Mr Xiao philosophical analysis of the human status quo, very admire!(萧先生以哲学解析人类现状,非常佩服!)”
  问天摆了摆手,继续说道:“In fact, philosophy is not a kind of culture, philosophy is not a kind of cognition, real philosophy will let people do not know where to start, also have no place to learn;Is the truth hiding too deep?Or maybe it is too straightforward,soprofoundthatthe sage can't feel, can't feel, and so straightforward that people can't see, blind!(哲学其实算不上是一种文化,哲学根本也不是一种认知,真正的哲学会让人根本无从下手,也无处学习。究竟是真理隐藏得太深呢,又或者是太过直白,深刻到圣人也无从感触,无从体会,又直白到让人目不能视,视而不见?)”
  艾瑞丝感叹道:“Human is a selfish species after all, in this state of mind, it is obvious that there is no possibility of good things, in this narrow logic, human can only step by step into the abyss!(人类到底是一个自私自利的物种,在这种心态趋势下,显然不会有任何美好事物产生的可能,在这狭隘的逻辑里,人类只能一步步滑入深渊!)”
  问天道:“Therefore, many western thoughts have to return to the perspective of god helplessly, and continue to look down on everything with a detached attitude;But only by sublimating cognition and unifying thought can human beings fundamentally solve all problems;History can be rewritten, but not changed;Truth is unshakable.(所以,西方的很多思想就只有无奈地回归到上帝的视角,继续以超然的姿态俯视一切。但人类只有升华认知,统一思想,才能够从根本上解决所有问题;历史可以改写,但无法改变;真理,更无法动摇。)”
  高晓飞听到此处,愤慨地说道:“But some people think they are the best, Shouting Lao tze all day long, fist is the first truth, unreasonable is the first quality;It wasn't as big as his fist, but I wanted to poke his eye out with my finger. I couldn't lose anyway.(可有些人自以为是,整天喊着老子天下第一,拳头就是第一真理,不讲理就是第一品质;拳头没他大,可我真想就用指头戳瞎他的狗眼,反正我也不能输。)”
  凯丽笑道:“Why did he dare to say so?That is because the powerless cannot shake his supremacy, and the capable will not shake his supremacy;So, he's number one in the world, and he's a sure thing.(他为什么敢这么说呢?那是因为没有能力的人动摇不了他的天下第一,而有能力的人又不会来动摇他的天下第一;所以,他就是天下第一,而且是板上钉钉的那种类型。)”
  问天默然道:“Man, the pinnacle of known life;Today, human beings have completely separated from the survival race with other living species on earth and dominate the fate of the earth;So, strictly speaking, the last ten thousand years should be called the age of man, when an intelligent species dominated the biosphere, controlling all the elements of survival, not knowing whether to be happy or sad!As humans, the prosperity of our species is something to be happy about;The decline of the biosphere as a whole is sad!Human predation controls everything, and in the realm of cognition everything seems to exist for human beings;For example, the images of the gods are all humanoid, or at least humanoid, which is human's lack of awareness of their own attributes!(人类,一个已知生命体中的巅峰存在。到今天,人类已经彻底脱离了与地球其他生命物种的生存竞赛,主宰着地球命运。所以,严格来讲,近一万年应该被称为人类纪元,一个智慧物种雄霸整个生物圈,控制了一切的生存要素,不知道应该高兴还是悲哀!作为人类,自身物种的繁荣是值得高兴的;作为生命体,整个生物圈的衰退却是悲哀的!人类掠夺控制一切,在认知领域仿佛一切皆为人类而存在。比如,所谓神的形象皆为人形,或至少也是类人形,这是人类缺乏对自身足够清醒的属性认知!)”
  问天喝了一口茶,接着又说:“into the internal struggle among human beings.Like other top predators, if there is no competition for survival from the outside, there is an internal competition to ensure enough space for individuals and groups, such as lions and wolves, and even ants;It is just that the organization form of human groups is more sophisticated and complex, which has gone from simple blood groups to the existence of today's national giant organizations.(现如今的人类,早已脱离了生物圈的竞争,转而进入了人类间的内部斗争。就像其他顶级掠食者一般,如果没有外部的生存竞争,就会展开内部的生存竞争,以保证个体与群体足够的生存空间,比如狮群与狼群,甚至蚂蚁也是如此。只不过人类的团体组织形式更加精密而复杂,已经从简单的血缘团体,过渡到如今的国家级巨无霸组织存在。)”
  问天:“At present, the carrying capacity of the earth's biosphere is stretched to the limit, the environment is on the verge of collapse, and science and technology are facing out of control. All these are challenging the coordination, organization, centripetal force, innovation and response of human beings.From a macro point of view, there are few good societies in human fantasy movies about the future. Most of them present an apocalyptic scene.This is enough to show that humanity does not currently have solutions to these fundamental and serious problems;It can be said that the human race is running naked on a blind road, and I do not know when we can stop to put on some clothes and think about the direction!(就目前来说,地球生物圈的承载力已经是绷到了极点,环境在破灭的边缘,科技面临失控,这一切的一切,都在挑战着当下人类的协调力、组织力、向心力、革新力、应变力。宏观来看,人类关于未来幻想电影中,鲜有美好社会的存在,大多数都是呈现出一个末世的场景。这足以说明,人类当下并没有这些根本严重问题的解决方案。可以说,人类正在一条绝路上裸奔,也不知到哪一天,才能停下来穿点衣服,思考一下方向!)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥沉重地叹惜道:“So, human extinction, is also the law of nature, then what is the biggest human survival problem?(这么说,人类走向灭亡,也是自然规律,那人类最大的生存问题又是什么?)”
  问天说道:“The deepest fundamental problem of human beings and all living things is the demise of civilization.But what is extinction?Ignorance of this central question has given rise to various speculations, doctrines, or beliefs;Human's outlook on life and values on everything are based on the answer to this question. Different assumptions lead to different behavior patterns. In a manner of speaking, the answer to this question is the source of most conflicts in human beings today, the core of pain and annoyance;Forgetting the consequences of the underlying logic will lead to the recognition that the system is built on a false, artificial and unreliable foundation, thus losing the ability to renew the system and the adaptability. Once the external environment changes fundamentally, the system will collapse and the civilization will die out.Just like the house of inferior quality also can shelter from the wind and rain, but can collapse instantly in the earthquake absolutely, thereby crush master.(人类乃至一切生命体最深层次的根本问题,那就是文明的灭亡。可灭亡到底是什么?因为对这个核心问题的无知,人类诞生了各种的猜想、主义或信仰。人类对一切的人生观与价值观都建立在这个问题的答案之上,不同的假设就带来了不同的行为模式;可以说,这个问题的答案就是人类如今大部分冲突的源点,痛苦与烦恼的核心。遗忘底层逻辑的后果,就会认知建立在一个虚伪的、人造的、不牢靠的基础之上,从而丧失系统的更新能力,丧失适应性。一旦外部环境发生根本性转变的时候,这种系统就会崩溃,文明就会消亡。就好比劣质的房屋也可以遮风避雨,但绝对会在地震的时候瞬间崩塌,从而压死主人!)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥只听得心情激荡,忍不住说道:“Therefore, human beings need justice, so that human civilization can better continue to continue.(所以,人类需要正义,这样才能让人类文明更好地继续延续。)”
  “But what is justice?(可正义是什么?)”问天感叹了一声,又随即点了点头,昂然说道,“Justice is the magnanimous mind, is the eternal law, is the face of their own and the face of the world never hypocritical spirit, is greater than the dignity of life;Human nature, once lost justice, will become dirty and evil, the fallen soul will face the eternal curse, ten thousand years lingchi, do not accept the return!(正义就是坦荡的心灵,是永恒的法则,是面对自己与面对世界从不虚伪的气概,更是大于生命的尊严。人性,一旦失去了正义,就会变得肮脏与邪恶,堕落的灵魂将要面对永恒的魔咒、万年的凌迟,不接受回头!)”
  “That's a good point!(说得太好了!)”弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥激动得一拍双手站了起来,“Mr Xiao demonstrates the human point of view with philosophy, wonderful!There is an old Chinese saying, listen to your words, win ten years book!I finally understand the meaning of this sentence today, this is simply a human apocalyptic warning of the philosophical argument, wonderful!Wonderful!(萧先生以哲学论证人类的观点,精彩!中国有一句古话,听君一席话,胜读十年书!我今天总算是实实在在理解了这句话的含义,这简直就是一篇人类末世警示的哲学论证,精彩!太精彩了!)”这一番的谈经论道,让弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥对萧问天更是敬佩有加。
  问天谦虚地摇了摇头:“This is my personal opinion, not a philosophical argument.(这只是我的个人观点,说不上什么哲学论证。)”
  弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥感慨道:“The truth is I don't want it. I'd rather give up the lumber company than see Mr. Shaw take a risk.(萧先生观点独特,让人敬佩,我差点就和萧先生失之交臂。真相我不要了,我宁愿放弃木材公司,也不想看见萧先生去冒险。)”
  问天感叹道:“Thank you, Mr. Francisco franco!But we're going to go deep into the amazon, not just to cooperate with each other, but to bring the whole truth to light.(谢谢弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥先生!但我们要深入亚马逊雨林,并不仅仅是互相之间的合作,而是我们有义务去把整个真相大白于天下。)”
  “In case of danger, you must withdraw immediately. I will be waiting to hear from you.(一旦遇上危险,就必须马上撤回来,我会一直等着你们的消息。)”弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥握着问天的手说。
  “Rest assured, our purpose is to investigate the truth, not to fight.(放心吧,我们目的只是去调查真相,而不是去战斗。)”问天满怀信心地说。
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